This is Rose Buchannan, another person who is electronically harassed by domestic terrorists in the United States. I came across this article tonight and wanted everyone to take a look at what she has to say. It's always nice to run into someone that knows what they are talking about with the same kinds of circumstances.
The article describes what these people are like. Lori Lafond, an operator of this system who claims that her job is to coordinate services for the people that commit this crime is exactly the kind of person that Rosie here is looking into. I, like Rose, have been accused by Lori of the same kinds of things that she talks about in this article. Child molester, drug addict, crazy person, and all kinds of other rumors are what gang stalkers and the operators of this system are like. They are basically the kinds of people that love to steal from innocent citizens and act like they are some kind of vigilante police force. If you ask them what they are doing, they play dumb, but those of us that are followed and stalked know what it is like.
I just like to spread as much hope as I can for those of us that aren't behind a computer screen and microphone. The individuals that people like Lori live off of.
Here is the article ===> Rosie's experience
Then there is another article from WIRED magazine about another woman, Liza, who is also a targeted individual with her take on the experience. I would love to sit down and write an article for WIRED magazine as to the unique experience of the LGBTQ community of Palm Springs and the Palm Springs Police Department with our local urban legend, Lori "Lisa" Lafond.
Here is the article =====> Mind Games: The Tortured Lives of Targeted Individuals
Then there is another article from WIRED magazine about another woman, Liza, who is also a targeted individual with her take on the experience. I would love to sit down and write an article for WIRED magazine as to the unique experience of the LGBTQ community of Palm Springs and the Palm Springs Police Department with our local urban legend, Lori "Lisa" Lafond.
Here is the article =====> Mind Games: The Tortured Lives of Targeted Individuals