Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Bragging And Trash Talking: Lori Lafond's Mouth Sure Does Sound Like A Felony In Progress


What in the Hell got into Lori Lafond last night?  Besides crystal meth and testosterone, Lori was threatening everyone I love and basically was going crazy with her best friend Christian Johnson.  The pair started off sounding like they were on GHB and burning my skin with microwaves but it progressed into her confessing that she is the person that ruined my sister's second marriage.  I don't know what is driving Lori to act the way that she is, but it sounds like she is willing to shove her own real family in front of her to get away with murder!!!

Let me start this off by being extremely clear.  I have never, would never, and won't ever threaten any member of Lori Lafond's family.  Lori is the person that has been threatening, filing false police reports, lying, and most of all, using her own real family members to try to get away with the killing of my brother in law and with the attempts on my life which include, intentional infections, a gay bashing, and a shooting in San Diego.  What I am attempting to do here is to warn her real family that Lori is unhinged.  She is after you and she won't stop until someone else is dead.  I know that Lori's real mother knows that I am not any kind of threat to her family members.  If she looks into it, she'll see that every time her family members are involved in something horrible, it is Lori that starts everything!!!

It was Lori that involved herself in the situation involving my brother in law and my sister.  To be honest, she's been involving herself in my sister's love life for as long as she's had one.  Lori was my brother in law's drug dealer and when my sister and family were concerned about his drug use, my sister was forced to move out to save her kids from being taken away by my parents.  Lori overheard that conversation using this system and did everything she could to try to cause an altercation which ended with Lori's uncle defending himself when my brother in law was led to believe that there was some kind of love affair between the two.  That isn't the truth.  Lori made the whole thing up.  Once he was killed, Lori was so proud of herself that she started to brag to people on this system and they used my family to keep her away from them.  This put me in danger because my brother in law told me about Lori involving herself in my life by calling my sister on numerous occasions to tattle on me for using drugs even though Lori was having me stalked all over the Inland Empire.  He told me she was crazy and I already knew that he was right.

After my brother in law died, Lori then turned her focus on to me.  She spent about a year or so stalking me in San Diego and ordering her brother to shoot and kill me.  The shot was made, but it hit the doorframe of my car and I survived.  Lori had already given me HIV and implanted me so finding me in San Diego was simple for her.

When my sister remarried, Lori though that she could involve her uncle again and lie to my new brother in law about my sister having another affair.  The truth was that my sister wasn't seeing anyone...Lori just wanted another confrontation between her uncle who lived in Big Bear and my new brother in law who lived just down the hill from her in Lucerne Valley.  When that didn't work and my sister got a divorce, Lori and her brother Brian went and robbed the new brother in law's home of sport's memorabilia and are currently living with all of his stolen items.

Lori is losing her mind.

I don't know what it is going to take for someone to step in and put her in a straight jacket.  She's delusional and seems to make up conversations that aren't real or she thinks I've said something that I don't have any idea about.  Her mother and real sister must know what I am talking about by now.   This kind of crazy doesn't go away and doesn't start immediately.  Lori has seriously lost her marbles and she doesn't even have a bag to put any new ones in.

Once this was all accomplished, Lori, Missy, David, and Bessie then targeted my sister to steal my bank account.  Literally, I worked for 7 and a half years putting away everything but half of one paycheck per month.  I saved and lived on very little for so long the amount was a lot.  Lori knew that my mom and I were keeping that account a secret from everyone.  Nobody, not even my father or sister, had any idea about what was in that account, but Lori kept records every time I put money in the bank; sometimes whole paychecks went in without me even so much as cashing them.

Now that Bessie, Missy, David, and Lori have gotten away with it for so long, it has become clear that Lori is getting violent again.  She's threatened to cut my penis off in my sleep which is a real threat when you see the skull she crushed when she came to my boyfriend's home and bashed it in for no other reason than sexual sadism.

Someone has got to put a leash on this girl and take her to the pound.  She's a danger to society and a danger to this community.  Someone is holding up the process and he needs to stop waiting for another major event.

Lori is taking testosterone and using needles with her friend Christian like a mad person.  Lots of syringes stolen from someone's prescriptions.  Who is getting these needles to Lori and Christian?  How are they paying for them and why isn't Bryan Anderson protecting my sister and her kids the way he promised he would.  I am a police informant and I should be better protected.  She is crazy.  What else can I say?

I pray for Lori's mother, sister, and real family.  They are in serious danger here.  My family is the same.  All these years and Lori is worse now than ever before.  Her friend Christian is making things worse.  Someone needs to kick him out of that home so that he stops cheerleading Lori into another bad mood.  He already gave up on his sister and father, who Lori raped and beat senseless, so he's pretty much a lost cause.

Whoever is allowing these six to live in a home and threaten everyone while they rob them blind needs to know that this is a crime.  Giving a home to a terrorist organization is a crime.  Someone needs to go over, inspect that home, and look for all kinds of sports memorabilia.  My sister and I have been put through enough pain and suffering...someone needs to have a heart...this is way too much for any person to have to endure.  These six have ruined my mother's health and she is nothing like she used to be thanks to the efforts of such great friends like Bessie Smith and Bryan Anderson.  Shame on you both, my mother loves you...and you did this?

Come on.  I wouldn't expect your mothers to love me if I did this to either of them.

It's because I'm gay, isn't it???

If I wasn't gay this whole situation would be handled much differently.