You all know that when it comes to life, Lori Lafond is a sexual sadist and a narcotics dealer. She isn't working for or with the police in any official capacity. She doesn't really do much but make fake phone calls, sit at her computer, clone portable phone numbers, and try to create problems. There is something else that police should know about's "The Jones".
By far, the most common experience that people have with Lori is this one. I would add the caveat that "drugs" are only one thing she does this with, if you have something that you love like a gold chain or an iPod or a skateboard or a moped, Lori just loves to steal them...then she tells you that she stole them to mock you as a victim of her rapes. For instance, Lori believes that anyone that uses drugs won't report a break in to their home because drugs were stolen. A drug dealer herself, Lori thinks that drugs are some kind of magic key that allows anyone to enter into a home, like a burglar, then she can take whatever she wants, and no police should be involved. If the victim does get involved, then Lori sends her gestapo police after the person, especially if the victim reports "Jessica", or now, "Lori Lafond" as the person that broke into the home. In other words, the police protected Lori for ripping off addicts and drug dealers in our area; I know of one that was held "execution style" and was told that he would have to "pay for the privilege of selling drugs in Lori's area."
I don't know if the police are aware or not, but this kind of "protected drug dealing" really pisses of the drug dealers in the area. It makes them mad that the police would protect Lori's methods for stealing from them and doing the same thing. It's not just that Lori steals from other dealers, it's the way she finds out a combination to a safe, steals keys, then has the police arrest the dealer so that she can go into the home when the dealer is in jail to steal whatever he had. It's not always drugs either. My friend Chuck was beaten nearly to death because he has syringes in his safe for legal medical shots that he has to take. Lori wanted more needles, so she sent Daniel over to beat him to a pulp. He almost died. Daniel, a friend of Lori's, barely got punished for doing this, it was a horrible thing. No drugs, just syringes that he had been prescribed.
What I find particularly insensitive is the way Lori follows some of these men even when they have made the choice to go into rehab. She talks to them while they are in recovery in the hopes that they won't get sober or stay that way. I don't know, but if I was a police officer, I wouldn't be very happy with a drug dealer that did this to people that want off drugs and I wouldn't support her with arrests made at her beck and call.
There is a bitter resentment towards the police from the gay community with regards to supporting someone like Lori who is nothing short of a homophobic narcissist drug pusher. She hates the gays, she hates the competition, she hates gay men that do drugs in the privacy of their own homes and she loves to steal from them and tell them that the police won't do a thing about it. This is the part that most people don't like to talk about but I've been sober for 13 years and now I want to tell everyone. It's not cool to be supporting or getting information from someone that does the exact same thing and rapes people; then she gets away with it. This causes people not to trust the police in a way that keeps Lori in business.
I have been in the position to watch Lori follow me around for so long that I know this is what she does. I tested my theory many times until I no longer wanted to see the police get credit for bad busts based on nothing more that a phone call from Lori. What happens is that Lori ends up climbing the ladder of drug dealers so that she is the only game in town. That means that she can use people and their addictions to hurt innocent men and women all over town. She uses the drugs like a weapon. Sometimes she plants them in cars then calls the police. Sometimes she threatens people not to be friendly with me. Sometimes she tells people to physically harm me for drugs. This means that the urban legend isn't just a rumor, she's a real pain in the ass for someone like me that has a lot of friends and she wants to have me hurt.
My decision to become a police informant in this case was simple, I was fucking sick and tired of hearing some girl I barely knew from high school telling people about how she'd followed me on this system my whole life. I knew who she was because I know her voice. I also know that she is as hateful to gay men as I know her to be on this system, in person. I also know that in high school she used to sell drugs then call the parents of the kids to get them into trouble. This happened at least four or five times that I know of. There isn't any doubt that the pain she so loves to cause has it's roots in narc-ing out her own customers. I don't know why she likes this so much, but it is one thing that I think causes a lot of tension between the gay community (drug users and non) and the police. This is a situation that neither the police nor the gay community should be put in. Look at all the complaints in Warm Sands and I'll bet you all of them came from Lori LaFond. I've lived there, it's pretty damn quiet at night. There isn't prostitution going on. There isn't drug dealing going on. I should know. I knew lots of meth users and dealers. That was the last place on Earth that anyone would ever go to sell drugs. It's too police oriented.
I am a member of AA and both of my sponsors were RFID implanted by Lori Lafond, both had HIV from her too, most likely. The most heartbreaking part of what Lori does is to the recovering addict. The "Jones-ing" where she talks to these people all day and night while they go to meetings is horrific. Lori loves to kick them off the wagon. She'll talk to them in meetings, even when they are court ordered. She'll bug other addicts to get ahold of these people or to show up at their's basically one of the reasons why there are so many AA members here in the desert.
Lori give the police a very bad name in our area. She's hated by all in the LGBTQ community and frankly none of us will be sorry to see her go. Picking one drug dealer to protect out of all the other was a bad choice for the PSPD; they simply were listening to the equivalent of a KKK Grand Dragon telling on the black community if the KKK GD was giving them AIDS. It's the equivalent of Hitler tattling on the Jews if Hitler had fitted each one of the Jews with a recording device and microphone. It's not a secret either. We all know that the police did this with her, it's impossible for us not to. The problem is that the final say rested with Chief Reyes during this last decade or so when Lori got caught in my boyfriend's bedroom, smashing skulls, injecting frozen blood, and then claiming that it never happened to the police. The lab report will show that the Chief preferred her to their own informant and that isn't a good thing either.
We want our own Jeffrey Dahmer caught and prosecuted. Lori Lafond is a menace to society at the cost of millions and millions of dollars to the public and public health care. She needs to calm down and have a serious mental health exam, but in the meantime I seem to have to deal with her ranting and raving as some kind of punishment from the Palm Springs Police Department.
I have been in the position to watch Lori follow me around for so long that I know this is what she does. I tested my theory many times until I no longer wanted to see the police get credit for bad busts based on nothing more that a phone call from Lori. What happens is that Lori ends up climbing the ladder of drug dealers so that she is the only game in town. That means that she can use people and their addictions to hurt innocent men and women all over town. She uses the drugs like a weapon. Sometimes she plants them in cars then calls the police. Sometimes she threatens people not to be friendly with me. Sometimes she tells people to physically harm me for drugs. This means that the urban legend isn't just a rumor, she's a real pain in the ass for someone like me that has a lot of friends and she wants to have me hurt.
My decision to become a police informant in this case was simple, I was fucking sick and tired of hearing some girl I barely knew from high school telling people about how she'd followed me on this system my whole life. I knew who she was because I know her voice. I also know that she is as hateful to gay men as I know her to be on this system, in person. I also know that in high school she used to sell drugs then call the parents of the kids to get them into trouble. This happened at least four or five times that I know of. There isn't any doubt that the pain she so loves to cause has it's roots in narc-ing out her own customers. I don't know why she likes this so much, but it is one thing that I think causes a lot of tension between the gay community (drug users and non) and the police. This is a situation that neither the police nor the gay community should be put in. Look at all the complaints in Warm Sands and I'll bet you all of them came from Lori LaFond. I've lived there, it's pretty damn quiet at night. There isn't prostitution going on. There isn't drug dealing going on. I should know. I knew lots of meth users and dealers. That was the last place on Earth that anyone would ever go to sell drugs. It's too police oriented.
I am a member of AA and both of my sponsors were RFID implanted by Lori Lafond, both had HIV from her too, most likely. The most heartbreaking part of what Lori does is to the recovering addict. The "Jones-ing" where she talks to these people all day and night while they go to meetings is horrific. Lori loves to kick them off the wagon. She'll talk to them in meetings, even when they are court ordered. She'll bug other addicts to get ahold of these people or to show up at their's basically one of the reasons why there are so many AA members here in the desert.
Lori give the police a very bad name in our area. She's hated by all in the LGBTQ community and frankly none of us will be sorry to see her go. Picking one drug dealer to protect out of all the other was a bad choice for the PSPD; they simply were listening to the equivalent of a KKK Grand Dragon telling on the black community if the KKK GD was giving them AIDS. It's the equivalent of Hitler tattling on the Jews if Hitler had fitted each one of the Jews with a recording device and microphone. It's not a secret either. We all know that the police did this with her, it's impossible for us not to. The problem is that the final say rested with Chief Reyes during this last decade or so when Lori got caught in my boyfriend's bedroom, smashing skulls, injecting frozen blood, and then claiming that it never happened to the police. The lab report will show that the Chief preferred her to their own informant and that isn't a good thing either.
We want our own Jeffrey Dahmer caught and prosecuted. Lori Lafond is a menace to society at the cost of millions and millions of dollars to the public and public health care. She needs to calm down and have a serious mental health exam, but in the meantime I seem to have to deal with her ranting and raving as some kind of punishment from the Palm Springs Police Department.