Morally Conscious

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Monday, June 29, 2020

"Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me....," Lori Screached and Demanded This Morning!!!

Before I forget that Lori Lafond is the world's biggest tattletale, I wanted to give her sister and mother a head's up from yesterday morning when Lori blew a gasket after her friends were spying on them with this system.

I was getting ready for bed at 8:00 am yesterday when Lori screamed as loud and violently as she could about something her mother had said or done.  Apparently whomever is in charge of "keeping an eye on mom" saw Marie Lafond do something and Lori didn't know what it was.  Then Lori, the person that "has to know every single thought that her mother has" was disturbed that something had happened and Lori didn't know what it was.

As violently as I've ever heard her attack she went after her brother to shame him into telling her what it was.

No matter what was said or done, Lori was fuming...still is.

Way to go Mrs. Lafond, keep up the good work!!!  One way or another the two of us will get her out of our lives!!!
