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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Recorded Lies and Rape Cover Ups: Just How Many People Did Report Lori LaFond?

So now that we know that the Crime Lab in Riverside County has something to do with Lori Lafond's victims, just how many people were raped that reported it, and nothing ever happened once the police got involved?  I know of at least four cases, so far, possibly five, where victims of a savage beating including bite marks, were tested and their samples were never even processed.  I know of one girl whose entire face was beaten in, and she was in a drug induced coma after one of Lori's beatdowns.  I know of another person that was HIV negative, in a monogamous relationship, and he was raped and made HIV positive, and he lost his boyfriend and everything else.  He couldn't explain what had happened, because of the knock out drugs, so he told the police and nothing happened for him either.

You can't really blame the crime lab if the samples were never sent, but that only makes the inaction of the Cathedral City and Palm Springs Police Departments, questionable.  If someone has bite marks on them and has been shaven to the point of rawness and bleeding, clearly something has happened.  To me, there is no doubt that a rapist has been working in our area for a very long time.  It's so bad that her reputation has reached San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.  The truth is that we have a serial rapist that likes to infect HIV negative men with her blood.  In my case, we know who it was and the Police Chief, Bryan Reyes, simply swept it under the carpet and threw my life away like garbage after I worked on this case for at least two years at the time...almost three.  I had to work on the case with my friends because all of the police officers that we ran into were microchipped with Lori's RFID devices.  What the police should have asked is, "Do you know Lori Lafond?"  Simply, if they got a look at her they would say, "That's Jessica, that's the girl that is threatening me."

I didn't know that so many people knew "Jessica" but when I saw who it was that they were calling "Jessica", I knew it was Lori Lafond from high school.  My high school bully was back and she was renting a room at CCBC, making my friend Micah, pay for the whole thing.  She isn't hard to mistake either.  Lori has a very distinctive face and one that I will never forget.  I wanted to say,  "That isn't Jessica, it's Lori Lafond, a total homophobe bully I knew way back in high school."  That would have been very dangerous for Micah, who, incidentally was paying for her room because he knew she had been robbing him blind for months and months if she wasn't within his view.  It's the absolute 100% truth.  Of course, Lori didn't want me to see her but her bigger ass at the time was about the only thing that was different.  She was a BIG girl then, now she's spent 13 year shooting up meth, she's lost all that body fat and she's, well, a meth junkie!

I've actually known two wealthy trust funders in the area that were stalked and implanted by Lori Lafond, one was Micah, the other was my friend from San Diego, Craig Hopkins.  This is a dear friend of mine that I'd known for years.   In fact, I was at his home before and after my shooting in San Diego.  He's the person that I called to come and pick me up after the shooting.  He was approached by Lori's brother to try to film me using meth.  Lori always says that her brother knows my friends in San Diego, but then she also says she doesn't know anything about me since high school.  How can both be true?  They can't and I'm certain that Lori is lying her fat ass off.

Another thing that police never realized was that I have lots of friends that I employed to keep me recorded night and day for decades, which means that ALL of the Chief of Police's conversations with me, including the time he showed me the lab report and his phone call denying what I'd read, are recorded.  Yes!  They are in his own voice and he can't deny telling me that I was right and on the money, then wrong and there was no evidence.  If I was right on the money, then how could the DNA have all been mine.  He had little other evidence submitted at the time.  Then there is that horrible photograph postcard sent to my home with my face being punched out on it.  

There was no way I could even speak to the PSPD any longer as two officers threatened to have me arrested on the Chief's orders if I told them anything about Steven Frey again.  Huh?  That was the main reason why I was asked to do the informant work in the first place.  Why would any police department do something so horrible to a rape victim.  I would spend from July 2008 until March 2010, waiting to hear from the police that I wasn't allowed to contact.  Then when they finally did contact me it was to recant everything I read about in the initial Riverside Crime Lab report.  It was a horrible thing to do to me...the entire time I was living with Lori Lafond screaming at me day and night on this system.  Can you imagine anything worse than a victim's rapist in constant contact with the person she raped?

It's not something that the police would do to a female victim of rape, but a gay man was perfectly fine.  I think that is a sad state of affairs.  For nearly 15 years I've heard Lori Lafond, my high school homophobic bully screaming at me all night and day without one single day off.  She is relentlessly on drugs and hate.  I haven't had a moment of quiet for 15 years.  I'm not exaggerating.  When I would leave the area on my one and only vacation in 15 years...Lori followed me to "finish the job".

This was all because either the Riverside Crime Lab severely fucked up or the police chief and Lori have something going on.  Either way, a rape is a rape.  A gay bashing in a home is horrific.  A gay bashing down the street from the PSPD headquarters is unimaginable.  The police never even went to the crime scene!!! I've talked to other police chiefs that have seen the lab report in it's entirety and they are flabbergasted that a chief of police could do something so horrific.  I'm the target of hate from the police and from Lori  Lafond serial killer.  Who do you turn to???