Lori Lafond always thought she was "all that and a bag of chips" but now we know that she was really talking about these fucking things. Hey everyone, if you've been listening to Lori and Christian today, then you know that the two of them think that they've caused more problems for me or Christopher or whoever. I've decided that I'm not interested in what they have to say about any of that. I'm moving on with my life in a way that I can be proud of. I don't need negativity in my life beyond what is already there.
Christian and Lori have this undying need to hurt people again but the truth of the matter is that without the help of outside people, they couldn't get anything accomplished. They've enlisted the help of so many people that got involved for the right reasons, then decided it was more fun to play with people than it was to do the job that was legal. Now they all find themselves in more trouble than they began with simply because they thought of only themselves and nobody else. It was part of this crime that I learned a long time ago, doesn't work. When you only think about yourself and nobody else, it allows Lori to focus on the people and events that surround that person. I found that out really early then the police helped her out with the rest.
You'll hear that I no longer love Christopher from Lori and Christian all day and night long, but that has been something that other people decided would be the way to hurt me...including Christopher. I'm not interested in feelings any longer. I don't have many left anyway. What I am particularly interested in isn't going to be discussed on this blog any longer. Personal feelings aren't something you want to give Lori and Missy to feed off of. I've been waiting too long to take care of this situation because of money. There are other ways to find a lawyer that will help me without anything like that. Jeffrey has tried desperately to hurt me again and he's the kind of person that Lori is, they both love to hurt families and steal money. I can prove that Jeffrey's actions caused the deaths of two people. People that Jonathan and Anthony could have saved but didn't.
There are more individuals not doing their jobs to allow Lori to hurt people than ever before so if you are a victim then you need to be aware of Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg's plan to allow Lori to exist as long as she doesn't hurt them any longer. In essence if you choose to believe the lies that these two parents are telling you, then you are making a big enormous mistake. If you choose to believe Benjamin Katzenberg then you are falling into Jeffrey's trap. Stay way away from this family because they don't have any good intentions for you.
If Bryan Anderson is approaching you, run away as fast as you can. He's been helping Lori get away with murder for years. You can bet that he'll lie to you just the same way he lied to my parents. I know that he has been protecting her and I can prove it.
If Bryan Anderson is approaching you, run away as fast as you can. He's been helping Lori get away with murder for years. You can bet that he'll lie to you just the same way he lied to my parents. I know that he has been protecting her and I can prove it.