The second Lori Lafond has fixated upon you and she gets her chance, they may as well pronounce you dead on arrival. Welcome to the afterlife, it's the life you get after you've lived a real life then ran into Lori. You are alive in terms of breathing, heartbeat, and bodily electricity, but you are damaged in a way that nobody can see. It starts with the "Lafond Flu" It's the conversion from HIV negative to HIV positive; a descent into Hell that most of us that are implanted have made. It starts of with extreme tiredness, then the fever, then the body aches...and then it hits you hardest when you can't taste or eat without throwing up violently day after day for about six months. Eventually you get the test and find out that for some unknown reason your body went from perfectly healthy to contagious disease robot. Entertainment for the rapist and her friends. Misery for your own family and loved ones.
It's the realization that your world ended and what's left outside is the world you once lived in but don't any longer. It's turned into a world of people that found out that you have this illness, this disease, and you didn't even tell them. They found out from a computer message sent from my brain to my rapist. A conversation about a conversion that should never have taken place, but it's there, and you are a monster to these people. Everywhere you go, they are standing there with their disapproving looks and their holier than everyone attitudes. They think they blend in, but in the real world people didn't act that way, only in the afterlife can you see them for who they are. It's like they have a SIMS diamond over their heads. You can feel their hate and you can feel their dislike, but you've never experienced anything like that before.
Back at home base, Lori is climaxing in her tick covered boxer briefs thinking that she's found another zombie to torture. You have only two paths in her mind, jail or death. It's only a matter of time til the time bomb hits or the bullet pierces your brain...and that all depends on her meth supply.
You aren't alive but you certainly aren't dead.
It's kind of a zombie paradox where you live in a world inside your head because that is where the monster is. She's down the street on a computer but she transfers all of her negativity to you like she is some kind of deity on meth. The devil on meth. Worse than any type of human being I ever thought could exist but has for many years. The odd thing is how she pulls so many of you into her world with hate and how little you care. I've seen lots of people fall prey to her female friends over the years but they aren't even good at what they do. It takes one weak assed man and his weak assed wife to ruin the lives of hundreds of other people. You all think that Marilyn is doing such a bang up job? Then why is it that she can't tell any of you the truth about what her husband did to me and my family.
The problem that I have with all of this is the level of corruption and the people that would associate with someone like Lori. I knew it when Bryan Anderson mentioned her at my brother in law's funeral. Immediately I thought that if he was her friend that he must be fucking prostitutes on the side. It wasn't in his character that I'd ever known but that's kind of how this little game works. The people that you thought you could trust are the absolute least trustworthy. The Monti's are a great example. You save their kid, they fuck you over. It's the worst situation of all. Then I think back and I wonder, what is it about this crime that turns people into criminals? Ask Marie Monti and Alice Mendenhall. Maybe they have an answer for you. Two people whose sons were both terrorize that now sit around sipping tea and lounging by the pool when they did virtually nothing to save their kid from Lori. Virtually nothing.
In hindsight, I should have left that kid behind. I should have known better than to trust someone that went behind my back as many times as Lori stabbed it. There really isn't any need to discuss Christopher with me any longer. His mom and he have decided to take a bribe for Jonathan. Jonathan has, in turn, committed multiple felonies by playing dead with his family's help. I have no sympathy for either of them any longer. My choice was honesty. Not hide and seek.
This crime isn't about the operators, it's about the victims. Jeffrey Katzenberg is no victim. He's already using his own group of people to terrorize my life. He's a bad person and his intentions are nefarious.
It's so surreal that I'm not important enough to help but far too important not to spy on.