Morally Conscious

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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Poster Child This Laurie...

Some people work so hard all their lives trying to find the "easy way out" when they should have put their efforts into working hard.  I've never quite understood why they get so mad at people that are successful and tell them that they are mad because they've worked so hard to take what someone else has worked for.  That's not really working, it's scamming.  It's called scheming, or as the law calls it, conspiring.  The idea phase is one thing, but any step in the direction of that idea becomes a doesn't even have to occur for the conspiracy to become a crime.  All a prosecutor has to prove is that steps were taken in the direction of the plan to make the conspiracy come to fruition.  This was put in place for one reason, to dissuade criminals from planning crimes.  If you are ever in the presence of someone telling you that they want to rob a bank, your best bet is to leave the room.

What you don't do is help them find the best bank.  You don't tell them how you would do it.  You don't tell them the most unprotected banks.  You don't tell them that your cousin is a bank manager.  You don't go looking at banker's hours or alarm systems for them.  You don't start looking up armored car deliveries and times and you certainly don't start looking up stuff like bullet proof armor.  These can all lead to steps that can confirm your place in the conspiracy.

For example.  If Laurie started researching the Katzenberg family and started telling Missy about them.  Then Missy started asking her step daughter or the girl she baby sat about them...that went to the same high school, if she knew about them, then that might be part of the conspiracy.  If Missy started driving by the residences where the Katzenberg's lived.  If Missy stole mail from them.  If Missy got to know their friends.  If she asked Gwen Stefani about Jeffrey Katzenberg...these kinds of things all lend themselves to being "information finding" things about his family and his wife.  You see these kinds of steps in the conspiracy are things that lead to scamming the family that eventually had monies and movies stolen from them.  They were burglarized and I found their stolen items.  Furthering their conspiracies is something that Missy and Bessie do.  The research on other friends like Steve Fabian or Bryan Anderson is also something that could be considered furthering a conspiracy.  My family, for example, has been stalked for years by Laurie...she just loves to fill in gaps of time when I wasn't implanted.  So she would use yearbooks and scrapbooks then try to find out information about my friends.

Laurie's book of stalking is long and vicious.  When she gets tired of trying to find out a name or who someone is, which she calls a "hobby", she tries to find someone that will enter our home and steal something or try to get information from me.  Facebook became a terrific ally for Laurie until the rumor got out that she was "Face-fucking" my friends.  You know, acting like she was a friend of mine with a fake picture, seeking information about me, but then pretending to be the person in the picture.

The conspiracies are long.  I once told Laurie that I had a trust fund that would mature at age 45.  While there is some truth to some of that, the real truth is that I don't believe in trust funds unless I've made my own money.  I want to be a self made man with responsibility that I've earned to be responsible for a trust someone else put in me, then I will be "trust" worthy...and deal with that.  The truth is that there has never been an age of maturity and I told Laurie that so that she would leave my family alone.  Instead, she tried to kill me before my 45th birthday so I would never get that money (that I wasn't going to anyway) so that she could try to steal it from another family member that she's stolen from before.  It's in her diary.  The conspiracy is there too.  You can see what she's read from my own thinking.  My own family hasn't ever seen anything like what she thinks, because I made it up strictly for her.  She fell for it like she always does.  Then she followed me like a puppy.

I learned the trust fund gig from two very nice guys.  One was Craig Hopkins, a gentleman that both Anthony Dabiere, Jonathan and I were acquainted with in San Diego and Palm Springs.  Anthony and I knew him around the time of my shooting.  He was a wealthy man from a wealthy east coast family that didn't really have much to worry about in the way of finances and sold his condo shortly after my shooting in San Diego.  He moved to Palm Springs, but the next time I saw him he couldn't rub two pennies together and was headed back home to the east coast.  Some girl and her brother had been robbing him blind.  Then there was Michah.  He and I were friends and he also was a trust fund kid who lived in a very nice condo and had a sizable trust from his parents.  He met me once at CCBC with "Jessica" there and told me that she had been robbing him blind.  I saw her there and she wasn't "Jessica" she was Laurie waddling her fat ass around like the queen of the gay men's desert.  I knew it was the girl from high school that I'd not liked for years.  It was then that I knew what I was up against and she was the girl everyone knew as Mikey's "girlfriend "Jessica".

I knew what she was after too.  MONEY!!!!  She was using remote neural monitoring and "girl power" to steal money from gay men and make them look stupid.  Drugs and sex were her weapons of choice, but AIDS virus was the bullet.  Everyone knew one thing about me, "I don't ever want to meet Jessica," I told that to everyone I ran into.  It was my mantra.  I told every single person I ever met. "Do not ever introduce me to that girl that sells drugs to the gay community because I don't trust girl drug dealers!"  I don't either.  I knew she was the one I'd heard about in San Diego.  The one with the bad reputation.  The one that narced out everyone to the police and the picture became clear.  It was Laurie that everyone was talking about and boy was that not much of a surprise.  She's been doing that to me since she sold my friend a bag of marijuana and he gave me half of it then she told my sister to look for it in my room in high school.  Laurie's always been telling on people.  She's always been selling drugs and telling on the people she sells them to.  She's a hypocrite.

She thinks I don't know about that, but I know all about it.  My sister would never look for pot in my room, I don't think she came in my room but one time my entire life and that was it.  Can you imagine the only time she came into my room was to find a bag of pot that I got that very day?  It was in a foot locker buried away.  She was in college for god's sake.  She no more would go through my things like that than sneak through my room for anything.  This was the only time she ever did that...and it was the very day I got the pot from Laurie, the drug dealer.  I didn't even want the damn stuff.  The guy I got it from gave me half and I just took it because he thought he owed me half.  I kept it so I could give him the other half some other time.  It probably would still be there today.  Laurie's a narc.  She even started this again when I moved home this time with evidence from this case trying to make it look like I was still using drugs.

Tainted needles that Laurie's used to drug other people had to be thrown out because I didn't want my sister to snoop around for Laurie and think I'd been using them.  Crack pipes with her brother's fingerprints also had to be destroyed.  These kinds of things had to be gotten rid of, but they were found by my sister with information that came out of nowhere...I wonder where that was?  Now you couldn't find anything like that anywhere...because I've learned not to keep anything that makes me look bad.  All other pertinent evidence is locked away in a safe.  Nobody is destroying evidence any longer.  You see Laurie says that she doesn't know "anything about me since high school" in her restraining order, but she sure does know where to find things in my home and where I'm living all the time.  She knows my car license plates, VIN numbers, CADL numbers, birth dates, SSN  and all kinds of information...but isn't that more than you would have if you "don't know someone"?  I'm an informant for the police...I'm suppose to find out this information.   Laurie is suppose to be working for someone somewhere all day long...why isn't she ever there doing that?

She sure does have a lot of time on her hands to be worrying about something that isn't true.  I'll tell you one thing, I don't ever worry about what she tells people about me because I'd have spent forty years doing nothing but stopping rumors.  I lived my life.  She never had one.  Look at my tax record.  Look at my school record.  Look at my income.  Look at where I lived.  I've had a life.  Mine isn't made up.  I don't have a book of Laurie lying around.  I don't have pictures of her.  I don't have her belongings.  I don't have a list of things I want to steal from her or her old phones.  All I have from her is her HIV virus and an implant....this isn't something I wanted.  This she put inside me to stalk me as a hobby.  It's still stalking.