I went to sleep believing that I finally had made sense to the mother's and father's of this parent coalition that we all now know what it is like to have one common enemy in Laurie LaTweeker. She infects a family with hatred and greed, then sends in a minion or three to help her spy and steal, then she picks that family into tiny bite size pieces and eats them all. Once someone, like me, has the good sense to put this entire scheme online and show a family what this is like, it shows everyone why we all have a common enemy. Laurie has been doing this to my family since I was about nine years old. When my family looks back and puts all the pieces together they will understand that one hateful little piece of shit can cause a lot of damage when a family doesn't talk enough about what she tells them.
For years now Laurie has been playing this "I'm a police officer on a secret mission" game and it's all bullshit. Live in the real world people. No police officer or FBI agent calls you on the telephone and does that. They don't contact you on the phone they make contact, IN PERSON, and take you to their offices in a REAL LIFE FBI EDGAR J.HOOVER FBI OFFICE and inform you...you don't go to some squat house or apartment with some tweeker in the corner and talk to some tweeker girl about and FBI plan. THAT'S JUST STUPID! This isn't MAGNUM PI. This isn't television. Laurie's a moron. It's not like television. In real life, you don't go through a person's life with some tweeker girl with track marks covered with makeup and some tweeker hair highlighted by Maxine with fringe at the Hair's End in Twentynine Palms.
Wake up!
For years and years Missy has been telling Jeffrey Katzenberg's family that what I write is "bad for Jeffrey's family" for one reason. She wants money from him. If he is associated with fighting this crime he won't be able to give her any more money. So Jeffrey's entire effort now has been to take away my First Amendment Right to Free Speech (see the restraining order and warrant that he never let me fight with my witnesses or Bryan Anderson's input) so he let it stand so Laurie could put me in jail, just like she did to Christopher; whom he also did not let talk to the police about his unlawful incarceration (taking away his free speech). Now I am being threatened about saying anything else about Jeffrey and his family. Jeffrey promised the police to help me when he came here and told all the other families that he would, including Christopher. He never did. Then he provoked me, to this very day, so I would say something nasty about him. This way he could say, "Kevin is being mean to me." On the other hand he has Laurie and Missy saying, "If you don't stop saying things about Jeffrey's family, he won't help you," or "Missy won't leave until you stop saying things about Jeffrey and her and he won't help your family until you do".
You see it's a threat now that I have no insurance, no income, no medications and no hope. This is the situation called rich man/poor man; a game with a bet between Missy, Jeffrey, David and Laurie worth, "Fifty cents per player for my life" all recorded the other day. That's the whole amount of the bet for my health and well being.
This is called extortion. Extracting something through threats for "protection" from other parties also known as fear created that something will happen if I do not comply with the demands that I stop talking about Jeffrey Katzenberg, his wife and kids, Missy and Laurie. So far this week it is the threat that my boyfriend will never talk to me again. My sister will be raped. My life will be destroyed. My family's finances will be destroyed. My insurance will be gone. My income will be gone. That Jeffrey's promise to the families of my friends and the police will go unfulfilled and that Missy will help Laurie and her brother complete another attempt on one of my family member's lives. This is an intentional infliction of emotional distress that has lasted for years and years since the promise that was made by Jeffrey and his wife to the Palm Springs Police Department and the families of the members of this coalition.
I went to sleep last night feeling confident that Jeffrey understood that I did not wish to pursue any further problems with his family simply because I understand that Laurie was behind these kinds of vulgar situations that rip families apart. I know all too well how she is. I know, first hand, that she is happy with this situation and she admitted this morning, on tape, that all she's ever dreamed of is "killing me". She did it over and over again. "With his permission" she said...Laurie believes that when I said, Laurie either Jeffrey delivers the "death blow or fulfill his promise" meant that I gave her permission to kill me. She then started in saying, "He just gave me permission to kill him, it's all I've ever dreamed of. It's all I've ever wanted. It's all I've ever dreamed of." I think that is what I am so interested knowing what Jeffrey and his family are saying about that? Missy should be shaking in her mini skirt.
So what's it going to be Jeffrey? What are you going to do? Fulfill your promise or do nothing? It is clear to me that you've used another attempt to take what I've explained to you as a "good faith" effort for the families and screwed all of us with it. Now you are faced with the dilemma of knowing whom you are working with and what she has done to your entire family with her admissions. It's called extortion. It is what she's told everyone. Threaten me with her presence and advice, blame me for my informant work, extort your money then deliver the death blow or help message.
Isn't Missy wonderful.
One more time huh? One time too many...you shouldn't make good faith look so bad.
At some point Jeffrey, good faith is a one time shot...it's not your chance to one up me.
You just extorted me and my family again, verbally. You've intentionally inflicted a tremendous amount of emotional distress upon me. Why Jeff, why?