...by the content of their character.
That day is still not today Mr. King. That day is still not today.
Today people are still looked at and judged by how much money they have and how much they can push people around with it. Today rich white men and women can still determine who lives and who dies in America because they want to. African American men and women are still not equal in pay, in jobs, in jails. Gay men and women are the same. Minorities are treated the same or worse as the day you gave your speech and the world is a much more violent place than the night you went to sleep and you had your dream.
I think that your dream is such a wonderful ideal in such a troublesome world. There are so many people out there that hear you say those prophetic words spoken so eloquently and simple that shake their heads yes and turn around and forget them when it comes time to put them into practice. It's unfortunate that people don't think more simply in a complicated world, it would be much easier if they did. Right from wrong has turn into such a discussion. Good from bad is over analyzed. What you know in your heart is not up for discussion by a panel of experts.
I know what the content of my character is so it doesn't matter what others think about it. I'm good with what you had to say.