Morally Conscious

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Saturday, August 8, 2015

Pop Culture Killers: Laurie and Brian's Fame Rests On The Shoulders Of The Victims In Palm Springs, California

Remember this little girl?  Victim of a horrendous crime that was never solved, with a ton of evidence.  Unfortunately for all of us the image of Jon Benet Ramsey has become synonymous with more than the image of a victim of a horrible crime against a beautiful's become the ugly face of pop culture killing.  The crimes that make the criminals popular for all the wrong reasons.

Can't you just see Laurie and Brian LaFreak sitting at home eating up every sickening moment of the Ramsey family's pain?  You all do know that Patsy Ramsey has since passed away and John Ramsey is remarried now.  Life has moved on, but the image of a sweet little princess still brings to mind the horror of what became a pop culture nightmare.  A senseless and unsolved crime that makes Laurie unusually happy and Brian equally thrilled.  These are the crimes of the society that we have lived in now for a very long time: Pop Killer Culture.

Fame comes at a tremendous cost these days.  Serials have taken to multiple killings at Navy Shipyards, Florida Universities, pre schools and movie theaters, but I want to explain why these crimes are about to get exponentially more sinister.  What if the REAL killers were dictating all of these crimes from an easy chair in their own living rooms while the victims were sent out to commit them for the sake of entertainment?
We are living in a city where 600 plus men and women have the technology inside of their bodies to become 600 individual "Manchurian Candidates".  Programmed killers for the entertainment of two siblings that couldn't get noticed if they set themselves on fire with gasoline.

Whooping and hollerin' from their squat house in Joshua Tree, can't you just hear Laurie and Brian as someone else does something else that looks singular on the surface but is really the result of multi-layered terrorism that has lasted for decades?  There are actually police officers carrying guns implanted with these devices that have made some horrible decisions for the Palm Springs Police Department.  Who's to say that their decisions wouldn't have been better if Laurie and Brian hadn't spent years talking to them while they were doing their jobs?  Placing their own brand of justice inside the minds of cops that aren't as intelligent as they might be if they were better informed about this technology.

Pop culture has finally hit the trailer park and now people that could never muster up the courage to do something horrible to a group of people can now armchair it from their own living rooms.  I wonder if Steven Frey has ever seen this:
I know that he once described being "monitored" by Laurie and Brian as "living in a concentration camp".  The pair of siblings were only a block and a half away using their computers to spy on him day and night trying to steal from him and use him as their own sex toy slave.

There is more than meets the eye in Palm Springs, California.  There has been a culture of control and powerlessness that has very little to do with methamphetamine use and HIV, but, at the same time has everything to do with it.  What has been characterized as a "problem with the gay community here" isn't what it seems.  There is a problem, but it exists because of electronic harassment of the very community that Laurie and Brian aren't allowing themselves to be a part of.  Hundreds of victims intentionally infected through no fault of their own and kept on methamphetamine as a way to cur favor with a police department that is all too ready to believe in the bad of the gay community.  It's nothing but pure propaganda placed in the minds of the police directly by the "voice of Laurie"; whom favors hatred and popularity over justice and honesty.

The Palm Springs Police have two very good examples of what this kind of technology, misused, can do to people.  The unfortunate part is that they haven't come forward to acknowledge and support what has been done to two people that have gone too far to promote awareness for this crime:  Aaron Alexis and Myron May.

Aaron Alexis called police days before he wrote on this gun that it would be "better off this way" and that this was "my ELF (extra low frequency" weapon) .  Alexis complained of being stalked by individuals that were using Voice To Skull microwave hearing and speech to terrorize him.  He asked for help, none was given.  Later he would shoot up the Navy Shipyard to gain attention for his plight.  Too far?  Probably so, but what to do when your entire life is exposed to the torture of 24 hour surveillance.  

Once the criminals involved with Aaron Alexis saw the "power to make news" based on the technology used to torture him, they received a charge of "pop culture" based popularity.  What most of you don't realize is that they got away with it without anyone looking for them.  They had a scapegoat whom did something horrible, see above.   These operators that Aaron complained about were reported to the police in the days prior to the shooting that Aaron planned.  PSPD officers know one thing for sure, the operators damn well knew he was going to go on a shooting spree that they caused, and they let it happen.    The operators loaded the gun, terrorized him day and night, watched him plan how to do this and let it happen.  In Palm Springs, Laurie calls the police most of the time if it suits her needs.  In short, they have plenty of recordings of the same kind of person that was truly responsible for the shooting of the Navy Shipyard.  The "arm chair quarterback" of terror, calling 911 to glorify her crime.  Cheering herself on...giddy with excitement.

Terror for Trailer Trash is what it should be called.  People that are using innocent men and women to commit crimes for entertainment and political purpose.  Where are the FBI agents looking for the operators that both Myron May and Aaron Alexis complained about?  These sorts of crimes are going to gain popularity, but we have two very viable suspects already within our reach.

When I go on television about my rape or about electronic harassment, Laurie gets so jealous that she starts writing comments.  Horrible things that she can say about me to try to make herself look funny or witty.  They often fall short.  There is one thing that you all should know.  I was on the very short list to do the Jesse Ventura show on Electronic Harassment.  They wanted me because of the story about my rape and the lack of investigation into it due to the criminals involved with this crime.  Laurie, for her part, also contacted his producers and forwarded my phone so I couldn't firm up the yes for the show.  There have been several other shows as well.  The problem that Laurie and Brian have with me is that I refuse to get angry.  I won't sound crazy for them.  I won't let my education get in the way of my intelligence and logic.  I know I have to be perfect to get the message across.

I think that one of the biggest mistakes that the police and Laurie with Brian made was allowing my rape case to go unsolved.  Not doing for me what they do for female victims of the same crime is a huge benefit for me.  It allows me a ton of exposure for this investigation.  When it was convenient to look at two gay men for the crime that was acceptable.  There was plenty of evidence for THAT sort of thing.  When they pointed the finger at the two really responsible for that crime, the police suddenly lost evidence, lost interest and made me look like shit.  Take another look at my broken skull, that isn't going to go away.  Neither is that postcard of my face being hit from the morning of the rape.  This police department looks bad.  Very bad.

I can just hear Laurie when things like Sandy Hook happen.  "Why can't a woman do this and get famous" she thinks to herself?  That's what I expect that the evidence will show in this investigation is the unwillingness of Laurie to allow this crime to have been committed by any stupid man...only a woman could have had this much control.  Uh, yeah, Laurie, if that's what you want.

The simple fact is that her National Enquirer photos have already been taken.  Millions of them.  The unmitigated gall of anyone not willing to publish her salacious crime scene photos that she's carefully logged and kept for years.  You see this crime wasn't done quietly, it was done on a loud speaker in the gay community and at the police department.  Laurie's sex acts couldn't get noticed by Playboy, Hustler, Jugs or any other publication, so she left them behind for whatever tabloid will pay for them once she's arrested with her friends.  You will finally see the level of genius that Laurie and Brian have...pop culture salaciousness.  Dirty, disgusting and foul.  Crimes against a man committed by a woman Hellbent on giving back to the gay community what she earned with her promiscuity in the late 1980's.  

This is going to get as dirty as any case you've ever seen.  It was all photographed and recorded for your pleasure.