Morally Conscious

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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

If You Don't Understand Our Silence, You Won't Understand Our Words

We are having trouble communicating and it's because we love you.

There is something that my team does that doesn't make us feel very good but it could be saving your life.  Most of my team members have devoted so much time to this project that their close friends are suffering from "friend withdrawal".  I am hoping that those of you that are feeling neglected will allow me to explain something that is very difficult, but necessary.

We are working on a case with two very dangerous sociopaths that think they are in total control of our lives.  What you don't hear from us is our frustration with this project but, even more unsatisfying, is our inability to communicate this to some of you that we don't want Laurie to know.

Our team is comprised of victims from 29 years ago to about 10 years ago and the pattern seems to revolve around people that we are close to, love, like being around or have known all of our lives.  This isn't a game.  What we are dealing with is bigger than "electronic harassment" and stalking.  These two infect people with deadly diseases and have racked up huge numbers of victims.  If it were a "normal situation" and a simple case of stalking, we could spend more time with people that we like being around.  Perhaps even you.  This is not normal.

The brother and sister that have brought this system to Palm Springs and San Diego would appear to lie to many people in order to find one.  Single that person out.  Stalk them.  Drug them.  Implant them.  Infect them with HIV without the person knowing.  Her virus and delivery mode have gotten much stronger and more aggressive.  I think that I was one of the last violent attacks and my head was smashed.  People ask, "why didn't the police do something about that?"  The answer is, "I don't know."  They had tons of evidence.  Hell, we even know whom did this.  They just don't know how to handle the problem without getting themselves in trouble so some of us are sacrificed to save the many.

We are dealing with a pair of criminals that have done so much damage without being caught that they literally think they can get away with anything.  Even finding you if you are a friend of ours.  The situation is very serious and most of us want to make sure that you aren't caught unaware, so it is better not to keep in close contact with you out of concern for your safety.

I seem to have it the worst because I'm the person that Laurie and Brian have hated for decades and now I'm the one that is telling you.  I am alone.  I have no support system in place.  I've basically spent the last seven years isolated from everyone and I have nobody to talk to but you, here, on this blog.  So I write day and night pleading for someone to stop her that can.

It seems that Laurie took a liking to tattling on me when I was in high school for no known reason.  My theory is that she has always liked causing problems for families that aren't like her own or at least she thinks are not like her own.  Her first instance of tattling on me used my sister to find some marijuana that I had in a foot locker my junior or senior year.  That must have felt really good for her too, because she would spend the next 30 years doing the same thing.

When I wouldn't do anything that she liked, she would make shit up.  I wasn't really living in the area so she could start basically any rumor she wanted and I wasn't around to defend myself.  She often tells people that she has friends everywhere, but you and I both know that she doesn't even really have one.  What she did was gang stalk me using a whole bunch of people.  I wrote about it for years but told nobody.   I didn't think anyone would believe me.  In the interim time, Laurie collected phone numbers and addresses and began calling any and everyone that I knew. Lying about this and that, making up stories, having them sneak into my room and she would tattle on me to my sister, whom I can't believe even listened to her.

If anyone I knew had money or was a lesbian, Laurie took particular note.  Then she would have them followed too.  Surveillance photos and notes left in a handwritten notebook show a horrifyingly high number of people that I know that she's contacted.  Even police officers knew that there was someone that she'd been stalking for years, but they failed to recognize that it was stalking.  Who in the Hell would want anyone that they don't know or like following them around.  Didn't it dawn on them?

Apparently Laurie has a core group of people that she likes to follow.  Of the men, myself, Steven Frey, Anthony Dabiere, Jonathan Mendenhall, B.K., Martin, Jackson Velin, Joseph Johnson, Ken Moses, Christopher Monti, Bryan Anderson and mostly anyone that I know or am friendly with.  Then there are the women: Missy, Bessie, Leah, Leah 2, Barbara, Tracy Johnson and any female member of my team.  What she is doing is tightening the circle of my friends so small that I can't breathe.  Neither can they.  This is, as she says it, "what she does."  What she is really doing is trying to show everyone that she can do whatever she wants to me and my family, with all of them watching, and nobody can do anything about it.  Ever tried to warn your family that two sociopaths are following you.  One already shot at you and the other gave you HIV when you were 19?  It isn't easy.  What you read here is my attempt to make it easier for the people above to warn their friends and family that this is going on.  It's what I'd hoped someone would do for me.  It hasn't happened.

Why would anyone want to infect a group of people (not all above are infected by the way) with HIV then run around and try to befriend them.  It's like a rapist asking you out on a date.  It's cruel. It's inhumane.  It's what I think every rapist would want to know about their victim: "How did what I did to you affect you?"  The frustrating part of it is how long the police have had to catch her and what it's done to the only good part for me: Christopher.

When this first started I had no idea why I was being followed.  I use to smoke pot with some friends that I worked with at a record store and thought maybe it was something related to that.  Then I tested positive for HIV and thought it was the AIDS police.  When I tell you that I was being followed all I can say is that it was CONSTANT.  On the freeways, in my work, in my apartment and complete.  I thought that I'd pissed someone off, but I couldn't imagine whom.  I didn't have enemies until these people that "stare" at you followed me.  The only person that really hated me was that druggie girl from high school that nobody liked.  That was something I hadn't considered...but it makes total sense now.

I thought, "I'm not special", I'm just a college student, normal job, gay with HIV and I'm not doing anything wrong.  I couldn't imagine who would want to follow me. 

What I want "OUR" friends to know is that it isn't unheard of for Laurie and Brian to find out whom you are, ruin your credit, take out loans in your name and implant you using God knows whatever pig tranquilizer they stole in Texas to make this surveillance system work.  They are also not the only people that commit this crime, they are just the most invasive and aggressive.  Most operators of this system would stop if they knew their target had made them.  Laurie and Brian have such tremendous egos that they think they can still follow me around and get away with it.

Part of the reason that members of my team don't want to involve our real friends and family members is sadly because they've eye witnessed what Laurie and Brian have done to me.  They've said that I infected Laurie, which is the biggest fattest lie.  They've said I was a child molester, the other biggest fattest lie.  They've told secrets, made up lies about my friends and called my employers all over the place.  My team knows that with the ignorance of the public to this crime, people will continue to suffer needlessly.  People have to be smarter than two pig farmer's children with no education.  Secret police, government agents, police special forces units, DEA, FBI...these people don't act this way.  They aren't running around trying to fight crime with ordinary citizens.  Even confidential informants have to have way more experience that Laurie and Brian do.

One of my team members is "technically dead".  By that I mean that Laurie and Brian placed obituaries in his hometown newspapers all about his "death".  This is how seriously deranged they are.  They thought that they owned his life to the point that they could extort money out of his parents if they took pictures of him with a gun to his head and made it look like he was some kind of prisoner.  To add to the scare factor, they made him look dead.  Now is this the kind of actions of a "special forces police unit"?  Is this the kind of "community policing" that Neighborhood Watch enforces?  Of course it isn't, but people are very easy to believe that they are part of something special.  I can't tell you the number of surveillance photos that this group took of me in San Diego with my co-workers.  REAL federal agents that I worked with at the Justice Department!!!  These community vigilantes were actually dumb enough to follow and stalk federal employees until Brian tried to kill me one night with a gun!!!  This is how stupid these groups have gotten.

There need to be news stories about these terrorist cells in every major city and town about individuals seeking honest community members, soccer moms, stay at home dads and so forth, looking for excitement, but committing a serious crime.  Every single news channel needs to put the word out there that this crime is being committed without the full disclosure of what is REALLY being done.  These operators lie to you to get you to stalk someone that they want to steal from, hurt, kill or cause to commit another crime like Myron May.  They will say and do anything to make you believe them.

San Diego has a horrible problem.  I can't tell you how many people were following me at once.  It was stunning to see it.  Hundreds of cars...horrible people that thought they were doing some kind of community service by threatening a federal agent.  What they really did was aid and assist a brother and sister sociopath in stalking some gay guy that Laurie hated since high school when I wouldn't give her the time of day. I also didn't do anything to provoke her.  She just was a frustrated lesbian that wanted my girlfriends to like her.  I don't care what she says.  My friend Kelly will tell all of you just how crazy she has always been.  She'll tell you about how she tried to find out about her...and seek out a sexual relationship with her.  It was scary then.  It's far worse now.

So if you are a friend of one of my team members, know this, we still love you, we just aren't acting like ourselves any longer.   We live in fear for our lives.  All of us live in fear for our lives and yours.