Occasionally, a gay man, like myself, gets jealous of the man getting married in a straight relationship. Usually we get jealous of the woman. This is the exception. We all know that I'm the first one to extol the obvious virtues of Joe Manganiello AND normally there wouldn't be a single woman in the world that I would be able insert into this picture that would make me switch to being jealous of him...then along comes Sofia Vergara and bam, I'm a straight man all over again!!!!
She's absolutely the funniest woman on the planet. Smart. Colombian. (Sort of pretty...lol) and she loves gay men. What more could a guy ask for? The two are getting married in November and we wanted to tell B.D. Richie, that we are so stoked that he found and married the woman of our dreams and his. What are the children going to look like? #MountOlympuskids, #OlympiansOnBoard