Generally speaking, organized crime, does not happen in a vacuum. Laurie talks about her "system of mean" on a daily basis, which, to me, means that it is organized. A system has structure, planning and a set way of doing things, it is organized. After determining that it is a system then my team set forth to prove the crimes. Organized + crime = Organized Crime. It's that simple.
Historically a crime of this magnitude has someone at the helm. Hitler and the Nazi's. Osama Bin Ladin and Al Quieda . If one such leader is found, he or she is held responsible with others taking a smaller and lesser role, historically. Does anyone know the story behind a scapegoat?
Jewish priests, it is said, would take the sins of their people and place them on a goat, then send that goat out into the wilderness to fend for itself. That's a scapegoat. Laurie is hardly that, but if she should die from the complications of the diseases that blood and lab work tends to confirm, allegedly, then whom will take the sins of the gay community and be sent into the wilderness to fend for him or herself. I've seen Bryan Anderson out in the wilderness before on the witness stand...whom is next?
Just remember, I gave the police the chance to stop these two while they could still be held accountable in a court of law. Waiting any longer could prove empty if either of them should die of a disease. I'm certainly not looking to find them.