Morally Conscious

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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Knocked Out, Plugged In, Constantly Tampered With: The Schizophrenic World Of Laurie LaTattle

Have you ever noticed what it is like for Laurie when she isn't able to cause the problems that she use to using electronic harassment?  She literally pretends to be someone close to you then tries to figure out what something could be that I could to to make her mad.  Remember she's pretending to be that person.  Laurie has played this game so many times that what it looks like is that she's stalking every member of my family.  "This would make this person mad if Kevin did this" or "If I were his sister this would make me mad" and so on and so forth.

I actually think that sometimes she believes that she IS that person.  So that triggers something else to happen.  Laurie then starts message spoofing the person she's pretending to be telling them all kinds of lies.  Laurie has had so many conversations with herself that I actually have heard her talking back and forth just to herself.  It's really strange having a mentally ill person be the person that is on the other end of your RFID chip.  It's like watching a television show or a movie about a schizophrenic where the camera or scene stays on that patient for an inordinate period of time.  It is so uncomfortable to hear someone that is that sick that you almost turn the channel.  You want to ask, "Are people really like this?"

Sometimes it's like watching one of those "cutters" cut themselves.  Over and over again.  You just wonder, how could someone do that to themself?  Left untreated she's going to saw right through that arm of hers and nobody's going to stop her.  It's sad listening to the mind of a creepy sociopath, you just think that someday she's going to wake up and not be that way, but you know she isn't.

I use to call it the Anna Nicole Smith Syndrome (btw, I LOVE Anna very much) but couldn't you see that one coming?  Laurie's like that without any beauty or niceness or television cameras or fame...she's headed for that brick wall and picking up speed.