There is a need for an explanation for the parents and most of the victims of the crime of electronic harassment and, in particular, the targets that "hear voices" in their heads.
For most of you, I know how silly that sounds. I won't try to convince you that I wasn't like you. I know what you think. That's so damn crazy, there is no freaking way that a human being actually "hears" a voice through his head. I was one of you. I use to have individuals come in to where I worked and try to file legal complaints against their "voices". I'm going to admit that I joked about it. I am going to admit that I thought that they were nuts and I'm not going to blame any of you for not believing me. The one thing that I won't allow, however, is for officers of the PSPD that are implanted with these devices to act as if they don't know that it is true.
This is really important for those of us that know what this is like. What police at this department need to understand is that we already can prove that you know this, we have the conversations and you aren't going to be able to lock us up if we tell you about it. It's no longer the dirty little secret where you get to know the truth and laugh at us. We are the people that know what you've said, whom you've said it to and that we can prove it in a court of law. I'm not saying any of this to threaten you, I'm telling you this simply so you won't make the mistake of crossing the line of criminal conduct.
What I want to do is this. I want police officers implanted with these devices to stop believing what Laurie tells you that we, the victims, are thinking about. She lies. She would no more tell you the truth about what we are thinking than tell you the truth about what this system is like. I want police to understand that when you are talking or thinking to Laurie you are most likely thinking or talking to our rapist. Allegedly, the same rapist that infected us with HIV and implanted these devices in us without our permission. It is time police understand that this entire time, you've been communicating with a serial stalker/rapist. That is an advantage that most police officers never get. Forget everything that she's told you and understand that your ability to defend the choice of using these devices rests on your uninformed consent. If she didn't tell you the truth, then you are defense-able. That's a gift from the victims to you. Use it.
Part of the reason that my team knows the conversations that she has with police officers is because my team was inside this organization for many years. Eye and ear witnesses to these conversations while they were also wearing these devices. The other reason we know is because part of Laurie's operation was that everyone that knew about it had to agree to 100% paying attention to she and her brother, Brian all the time. That's called permission. So when she talks to you, we know about it and if we are implanted, there is a record of it. My team does not eavesdrop on conversations between police officers and does not monitor any police officer with this technology without their informed consent. This is a particular advantage when you consider that it is Laurie that is calling in tips based on her surveillance of individuals that she is illegally monitoring. Some of these victims have also given my team consent to monitor their conversations as well. For example, my team has my permission to monitor every conversation that Laurie or her friends have with me for the purposes of prosecuting her. Laurie has no permission, nor do her friends, to speak to me or monitor my thinking. She does this illegally.
My team has had my permission to monitor my thoughts and conversations for almost 28 years, so you can imagine the conversations we have recorded. The most important seem to be the ones here in Palm Springs, California between myself and Lt. Reyes, Officers Villegas and Daugherty, Det. Browning, Sgt. Anderson, Officer Crochiere and Officer Kelly Fieux. There is no doubt about the content of those conversations. They will be as a wire worn by an informant.
I think that my team and I have settled on the title, "The Tattletale Rapists" for the two individuals that are most culpable for this crime.
Why is this such an appropriate title? There are several reasons.
If you were a criminal and your victim knew whom you were or what you had done or even what you had said to them, what a tremendous advantage it would be for you to be able to lie to the police to have that victim arrested. Think of the possibilities. Couple that with the fact that, in this case, the criminals have copies of keys to our homes and the ability to use passwords to get into our online email accounts and other programs. Planting evidence to be found would be a breeze. It would look like the tips were from a credible source and let's face it, how many cops ever believe the old, "it isn't mine" excuse? It's in the victim's home, it's in their car, it's on their most police write that one off as it comes out of the mouth of the suspect. The key here is the tip. Where did it come from?
I'm going to let everyone in on something that I know many of you already know. I've said this before and I will always say this. Most gay men do not have a lot of girl friends. Drug using gay men have almost none! I used drugs for many years in the gay community and I can't remember a single woman ever being around. Not one. In fact, the only woman I ever knew that was around was something of an urban legend to me. Her name was "Jessica". I only learned about her when I came to Palm Springs, California. The "girlfriend" of some gay man named "Mikey" whom I've also never met. I did have the chance to see "Jessica" one time while I was at CCBC with a friend named Micah. He told me that "Jessica" and "Mikey" were both staying at this resort in a room he paid for because they were, "robbing him blind" when they stayed with him. I saw the woman pointed out as "Jessica" and she looks exactly like the petitioner from the City of La Quinta, the woman I went to high school with. Trust me, you wouldn't ever forget that voice or face.
Think clearly now. If you were a rapist implanting and infecting people with these devices. What do you know? You know where they are. What they are doing. Whom they are seeing. If they are partying. If they have money. Basically everything. If you wanted to make sure you didn't get caught for harassing them, wouldn't it make sense that you called the police that "protect you" to have them arrested and imprisoned? That's the only logical way that a "woman" is so involved with gay men that she both hates and does not know personally. "Jessica" knew Micah, but Micah wouldn't know "Jessica's" real name to report to the police; he wouldn't know to report Laurie, like I do.
There is one thing that I know that both Laurie and her brother, Brian, have a reputation for. They are both tattletales. Immature and juvenile liars that love to spread and make up gossip about people. Steven Frey, himself, will tell all of you that Brian, whom he calls "Evil Stephen #1" is the biggest gossip tattletale he's ever met. I've never known Steve Frey to hate anyone...he HATES Brian! Apparently he caused many problems in the relationship that Steve Frey had with Jackson Velin.
On the other hand, Laurie has been tattle-tailing on me since I was in high school. Once a friend of mine and I went in together on a baggie of marijuana. I'd never done that before. He wanted it and I had the money so I gave it to him. Jamie then went to Laurie and purchased the pot. I think he must have told her that I was buying it with him and you all know how much she hates me in high school. I didn't know he was going to her to buy it. We split the bag and I hid my half in an old locked foot locker in my bedroom. Do you know something? I didn't even see that bag again because Laurie called my sister and told her I'd purchased it! My sister, whom never pried into my things every, found it and flushed it down the toilet. She had never opened that trunk in her life. Yet she found it. This was even before I was implanted. After I was implanted there were a series of maybe three or four other times where my sister found my stash. Guess whom tattle-tailed then? Again, Laurie and her "little bird" contacted my sister to narc me our with the standard, "don't tell him I told you" clause. To this day I haven't confronted my sister with this, but I know it is true.
The Tattletale Rapists have taken their drug snitching to new heights after thirty years to include their own sexual depravities. Allegedly child porn, gay male and female rapes, intentional infection of HIV and other crimes. Before they could be caught, they do what they always do, they tell on you or make something up. You can see in all of the arrests after I reported my rape, there was never a shred of proof that I was under the influence of anything. It was all made up. Six or seven times. Now that's some kind of tattler. They've become so good at this that before they were even thought of as suspects, they knew that both Steven Frey and Peter DiMartino would vouch for me as a person and point the finger at them. That's why I was arrested so many times. That's why there was the postcard with my face being punched out. That's why the detective in the case bungled so badly. Laurie pretends she "knows everything" and protects herself and her brother with whatever lie she can make up.
For example. Look at the comments made about Christopher Monti and myself in the news sections. You can clearly see that whomever is posting these is making up some kind of "these are bad guys" smear campaign by pointing out all of our ARRESTS. Someone is under the impression that ARRESTS mean criminals. CONVICTIONS MEAN CRIMINALS, arrests in Palm Springs, California may just mean you are a target. You can also glean from these that whomever is posting them knows a great deal about our personal lives. How else would they know about our arrests? A smear campaign against two police informants, I might add. Police informants that were picked by a seasoned officer with experience in using informants properly. I've know him almost all my life. Is this comment maker saying that the police pick people with "mental issues" or career criminals to trust? I'd rather side on the experience of a life long officer than some anonymous tip giver any day. The officer can testify in court. The tip giver never seems to materialize. Sort of like the woman Lt. Reyes defended in court and threatened me with, Vicky Rabb, whom doesn't even exist and could never testify against me. Why does this happen? It happens because the police are believing the tattletales here, not the true victims.
Talking to the police is something that the victims of this crime are afraid to do; look at what happened to me. So the only side police are hearing, day and night, is that of a person with a stake in these victims looking like criminals. That's not protecting the public, that's scaring them away. Think about how many times police officer have been told, "don't look at that blog" or "don't listen to what that suspect is telling you". That's part of a cop's job; to listen. It certainly isn't part of a cop's job to listen to a voice in their head that can't show up in court now is it?
Police have a distinct advantage in hearing the voice of the "Tattletale Rapist". How bad will it look for the PSPD if everyone finds out that for thirty years she was talking to them and they didn't figure it out? Not many police officers have phone conversations with a prime suspect using illegal surveillance devices. Police, in this case, need to use their heads. Your thinking is what she lives off of. Use it to your law enforcement advantage. If you play it smart, you'll catch America's first sibling remote neural rapists. A feather in the cap of the law enforcement agency that does it first, I'd say!!!
Here's another Tattletale incident. Given that the Tattletale likes to have a person arrested to keep them from being a witness, I'd like to, once again, call attention to that "workplace violence" restraining order. Sgt. Anderson knows that the information contained in it's application is a lie, so what was the point? The point was, once again, to have me arrested and restrained from talking to him, my police contact. That's a Tattletale tactic. I neither knew where this woman worked nor did I threaten her work place, you can't do one without the other. Besides, it is alleged, that the woman that filed it isn't the woman that shares her name that does work there. Remember the question, "why wouldn't this woman use her own job instead of using someone else's"? To Tattletale and get a victim of this crime arrested. That's why.