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Monday, December 22, 2014

"Rae, Rae, I'm Going Cray, Cray," Laurie LaNichols Wants To Call You Officer Fernandez

I have a collect call from Laurie LaNichols-LaTweek for Officer Fernandez....will you accept the charges?

She's in an "emergency situation" and needs you to put out and "all points bulletin"...whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean.  Now that we have fake emails that connect Brian Johnson who says Don't Hate Lisa Love Lisa (he also had an apartment in LaPalme)...we are thinking that she may have involved herself again in one of Officer Fernandez' affairs.

She'll be dying to know if Rae Fernandez wants to talk to if I were you Rae I would simply say, "I don't take calls from you Laurie" and end the conversation there.  Laurie will now be advised that when Officer Fernandez says that, she fucking means it.  It isn't some girly code for "call me later" or "ttys" or "bff's" simply means that I am under investigation Laurie and I don't want to talk to you!!!