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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

"Strong Arm Robbery"(Christopher Monti) and "Strong Arm" Steven Frey....What's With Laurie's "Strong Arm" Fantasy???

You know one thing that Laurie would never do?

She wouldn't be caught dead in an Alcoholic's Anonymous Meeting or any of the other either, because so many people there can't stand the sight of her.  She also wouldn't go because she "doesn't have a drug problem".  She's watched so many of the men that she's put in harm's way go through these programs that she knows the language by heart.  So does her brother Brian, another person that wouldn't be caught dead in any room of A/A.

I was thinking about what I read last night on Steven Frey's facebook bullshit page and I was thinking that some other things stood out too. 

Remember Christopher Monti's accuser, Mollybondhus?  She said that he was charged with a "strong armed robbery"...then you look at Steven Frey's comments from "his page" and it references "strong arming" again.  Sound familiar to anyone?

The next thing is this...Steven Frey would no sooner talk about a "Higher Power" than speak about his "Love of God".  He doesn't believe in God...that's just whom he is.  For him to actually sit in front of a computer and write, " in the path that my Higher Power has set in front of me" or "I am truly blessed" is an absolute joke.  This is the same guy that calls himself "toxic"; he would tell you himself that there is no such thing as "being blessed", he just doesn't believe in that.  He would more likely tell you that "he is cursed" than anything else.

How do I know?  I've asked him in person about these kinds of things when I was going to A/A full time and 12 step programs are just not something that he would ever consider.  He's more of a "I can do it on my own" type of guy.  He wouldn't want to air his dirty laundry in public and wouldn't find it helpful for one very big reason.  He knows that Laurie is constantly listening to him and would never allow him to think these thoughts without interjecting on her behalf.  She has a vested interest in keeping him in trouble, after all, there's a lot of missing federal money out there.  If Steven commits to a program of total honesty, he would have to say something about Laurie and Brian.

This is a strong arm:
It looks like it belongs on my boyfriend Christopher!!!

Social media is the last place on this "Godless Green Earth" that Steven Frey would ever turn to for sympathy or condolence, unlike Laurie LaTwerp.  Laurie is constantly trying to find someone to re-up her supply of methamphetamine and using Steven or Ken Frank or any of the people listed as friends on that fake facebook page of Steven Frey's is how she is trying to accomplish it.

The other thing is this...I've explained to you all many times about Laurie's system of "get em in and keep them there" when it comes to the court system.  Once guys like Christopher and Steven have been punished and jailed they usually have a probation term that is maxed....which generally means 5 years of obeying all laws "federal, state and local", anything that Laurie can find to use against them could basically put them back in jail.  She simply, "can't allow them to finish their probation" without her causing them a problem that puts them back in fear for their freedom.

Just like Jonathan Mendenhall and Anthony Dabiere...if she can find them she will find a stupid cop to hurt them.

A perfect example is the misdemeanor warrant I got the same month that my 3 years of probation was to run out.  She just couldn't live with herself if I completed another court ordered program, like all the others I had to complete because of her, so she started calling district attorneys to push a warrant through...she thought it would violate a "workplace violence" restraining order (once again, "VIOLENCE" was used) in an effort to trick the court into believing that she is some kind of victim of a man's violence.  I don't have a single violent crime on my record and I didn't even have a record until I came to Palm Springs...but allowing this woman to pretend that she's some kind of City employee with the bullshit that she and her sister lied about...caused problems that made it look or sound that way.

This is all semantics and histrionics of a woman just dying to be the victim of a man...that's just crazy.  We've all been raped, infected and implanted so how in the hell are we the perpetrators of a crime???  This is just more bullshit caused by a naive police department that thinks they are better than the people that they police because they can pretend they don't have the same RFID chips in their heads that we do.  They volunteered, we were abused and raped...whom is the victim?  It isn't Laurie or Brian that's for sure.