Morally Conscious

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Friday, November 21, 2014

It's 4:40am: Laurie's Awake And Trash Talking Again

Little Miss Big Mouth is awake still and trying to blame everyone for her problems again.  This morning she's obsessing on some backwards assed way of blaming all of my friends and family for HER family drama, as if we are responsible for all of her actions for the past thirty years by talking about what she did to us.  In some odd way she thinks that we are causing her family problems by telling attorneys what she did to us.  She acts as if we don't have a right to tell people the crimes she committed against us with her brother.  That's like a murderer blaming a victim for dying...

She's got a lot of nerve telling anyone that we've done anything to her...I've been extremely clear that we want nobody to physically hurt or cause mental duress for her family...what needs to be said is necessary because the law requires it.  Not doing so could cause other people's lives to be endangered by the two of these lunatics.

Telling your side of the story is required by the law...threatening you not to do so is illegal.

She's on drugs...twisting her lies to suit herself like she always does.  Her family must really think she's a piece of shit.

"Confessions of a Prairie Bitch" may have been written by Nellie Oleson, but Laurie LaLoser lived it too!!!