Morally Conscious

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Why Would Lisa Reverse the Locks on Her Bedroom Doors???

Let me talk about some more things that Jonathan Mendenhall told me about our dear little Lisa.

Okay everyone, we all know that Lisa doesn't have kids...thank GOD for small miracles...but the rumor is that because her brother is a pedophile and because she is basically a shut in, she would volunteer to "keep an eye on her neighbor's kids" while they were at work and the kids were out of school.  This way she could have a "steady supply of 10-12 year olds coming over to Junior's place or hers...

One thing that Jonathan told me was that Brian liked to have him go into a room with him and Lisa would lock the door behind them so that nobody could leave the room until she let them a fact that would bear truth if the police ever got off of their dead asses to investigate.  Why would anyone reverse the locks on bedroom doors?  The only answer would be to keep the people inside from getting out.

Now we have all heard the desperation stories about how Lisa, wanting to have sex with gay men would literally lay in front of the front door telling men that they couldn't leave until they had anal sex with her.  This I've heard from several people.  I know what you are thinking, isn't Lisa a lesbian?  Well the short answer is yes, she is a lesbian, but her need to have sex with gay men anally is driven by making her brother jealous and her girlfriend mad....she gets so high that all she wants to do is have sex.  This is something that I AM CERTAIN THAT THE POLICE OFFICERS HAVE NOTICED ABOUT HER DEMEANOR...SHE'S ALWAYS HORNY!!!

So why the reversed locks.  Well sexual sadism and sexual slavery requires control.  From what I understand Brian and Lisa threw "birthday parties" every week for kids who weren't celebrating their birthdays...inside the cake and fruit punch was GHB or Rohypnol which rendered the children unconscious, which is what you see in the "Under Cover Videos" that Anthony Dabiere and I both told the police about.  Once the child was rendered unconscious, they would be taken in to the room and Lisa would lock the door behind them...this is a two person inside the room to molest the child and video tape it and the other to lock and unlock the door when Brian was done.

Can you imagine how many terrified children awoke to the feeling of being molested only to find that they are still locked inside the room with a monster???  I am wondering if this was the case in Sedona, Arizona.  I know that Brian certainly would not have taken the time to have re-reversed the locks when they left that house of horrors in shambles as they slid out of town.  Forensically I want these rooms Luminoled for blood and the blood tested for DNA matches and different victims.  Tears and bed sheets can also be tested for...and can't you just imagine what the walls would look like after the lights are turned out to see the Luminol.  Bloody hand's scraping down the walls or scratching at the doors to get out??? Little fingers doing anything they can to get away from Junior the Beast.

This police department is sickening's just too bad that Junior and Lisa didn't babysit one of their kids, then maybe there would be resolution to this problem.

I know one thing, locks on bedroom doors being reversed IS ILLEGAL...I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHY?   Take pictures my friends, lots of pictures and don't touch the knobs...I want those fingerprints fresh and readable.

Not always Anthony Dabiere...not always!!!