Morally Conscious

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This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

In The Vein of Wigstock 2.Ho (Politically Incorrect, But Relieving of all Street) My Joke:

What Do Lori LaFond and Supreme Court Justice Nominee Brett Kavanaugh have in common?

They're both famous rapists from the 80's that got away with it because everyone covered it up, thinking they had a future.

Remember, what happens "In Lori, stays In Lori", so she can display it in a rape kit.  Um...and because she doesn't bathe.  Ever.  She's had more dead sperm inside her than a Hillside Strangler victim.  
(True crime joke.)

Lori's taken more bites out of "dead" people than Jeffrey Dahmer.  I say dead but they were really unconscious, like her friend Missy Pussy, not much difference...zzzzzzzzz!

Lori's left more DNA at a crime scene than O.J. taking a paternity test and dropping a glove.

That's my Bianca Del Rio performance for Wigstock 2.Ho!

Willam did an enema on stage!!!  All that's left is to suck a dick up that's never been done with him. Kneel...Patrick Harris, like you have to tell him.

Love you bitches to Hell and back,
Kev ;-)

(For those of you, Lori, that will be offended by this, suck it!  I am a rape victim that is made fun of every single day by my rapist.  This is the first time I can say, with confidence, I'm being politically correct some other time.  Wigstock is about being politically incorrect.  I have the right!!!)