Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Do Something That Makes You Look NOT GUILTY Jeffrey...

Do something to help me believe that you aren't guilty Jeffrey...

Every single time I look at what has transpired, I keep getting the same message, Jeffrey is guilty of helping Missy Pissy to hurt my family.  This "promise" to Missy's parents is a death sentence for my family.  This man has, at every single turn, helped his former "personal assistant"/employee, do whatever she could do to make Lori happy including returning a stolen tool belt covered with disease to my father in exchange for my bank account.  

The man has a son that Lori's infected, a wife that she tried to poison and a home that she shit on the floor in, but do you see him doing anything that looks fatherly?  Nothing.  He's more content to let these two lesbians take swipe after swipe at my family members which includes a trip to my parent's home where kid's car seats were in the car that Lori coughed, wheezed, spit on and infected with disease.  On that trip she stole my iPod, which meant, once again, that she was in contact with my things.  This guy is a total germ phobe and he knows better than to let this happen, but when it comes to MY FAMILY, nobody can get involved.  This is a simple case of rich man not helping the poor man.

Where is his participation in stopping this crime.  Where is the one shred of help that he or his wife have ever given to me.  Not one single thing points to his innocence but everything points to a clandestine relationship between Lori's live in lesbian girlfriend and him.  He sent her to Sedona to stalk me.  He's allowed her to help Lori steal from my parent's home.  He's allowed Missy to do whatever she damn well wanted, but have you ever seen him do anything to help me?  Nothing.  There isn't one damn thing that he can point to that was helpful.

What I want to know is just how long this promise to Missy's parents and David's parents is going to last.  Until my father is dead?  My sister?  One of our kids?

You need to do something to help me Jeffrey because I can't explain any of your actions thus far ten years into this.  Maybe you can tell my boyfriend that you won't let talk to me or anyone else.

With that money you helped to steal, I would have hired a lawyer to sue the hospital and the police department already.  I wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for your interference.

It's simply stifiling how much help Jeffrey has given to David and Missy who continue to do nothing more than plot and plan another disaster for my mom, dad, sister, nieces and grand kids.  I already know I'm a marked man because I'm not afraid to tell the truth.  What kind of father and husband ignores his own wife's poisoning and son's intentional HIV infection in order to help a stripper continue to deal drugs with her lesbian lover?  I can tell you first hand that this man has done nothing to make me think that he isn't guilty of conspiring with these people.  It's not a good idea to continue to fuck with me because I can put him on a witness stand as soon as I fight this warrant and take it to trial.  Don't think Lori won't pull him in too.  You'd think a billionaire would make better decisions, but his wife and kid are still scratching their heads wondering if he loves Missy Pissy more than them.

What I really love is how much Bessie Smith thought of the safety of my brother in law's kids and grandkids when she returned a tool belt to my sister that Lori stole from my father, covered in disease...then told him to lie to me about it.  What a fucking piece of garbage she is.  Then she had the nerve to steal my saving's account and have my mom and sister lie to me...what kind of help are you giving Bessie?

I am feeling very threatened by Jeffrey Katzenberg.  I am afraid for my life because of him.  Every single day he keeps helping Missy and David to do more horrible things to my family.  So far every single one of them has lied to me...why?  My mom and sister lied about my bank account.  My father lied about his tool belt being stolen.  They are all lying.  I'm so scared I can't breathe any longer.