Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Trial on AIDS Vaccine Enters Last Months: Is The Cure Here And Will It Be Available For The Blue Widow Victims?

The answers to the questions above might surprise you...because for the first time, I'm going to give you an answer that is very positive....yes!  The trials on the current vaccine are extremely positive right now and they are in the very last stages of's the order for you to take the drug, you go off of your current medications and you get one shot...once a month for three months and the virus does not seem to come back.  Ever.  You don't get reinfected either.  Does that mean it's a cure.  It would seem that way.  Can I call it that.  No.  Not yet.  Is it?  It would seem that way yes.  Is it?  We'll wait for the announcement from the CDC.  Does it piss Lori off?  Of course it does!!!  The girl that loves to be the person that decides who lives and dies by the end of her tainted needles in our community now has another needle that decides who lives and doesn't die and that makes her crazy.  You want to know something else?  We have a definitive list of all the people that she intentionally poked up positive...and with this...essentially...we can "cure them" if it works.  We can make them live.  Now I know that's a bold statement and this is a theory, but isn't it a marvelous thing for the guy that she hates the most to be able to say, " You wanted my friends dead, but I can make them well again, forever?"

One thing I can say is this, "I want to know who she did this to and I want to make you well again."  I want to know everyone that she did this to and I want to find you and make you well.  I know that there are lots of HIV positive people out there that deserve to be healthy and we're all the same once we're infected.  I understand that once you are positive, you and I are the same.  Please understand that.  My task as an advocate for THIS project is to find the electronically harassed in Palm Springs who were intentionally infected with the HIV virus and make them well again.  It is something I never dreamed I could be involved with, but I sure would like to try.  I know that I once went to sleep as a 19 year old boy and woke up as a 19 year old HIV positive man the next day, not knowing how it could have happened.

I know that there are many of you out there.   Someone took your choice away from you.  Someone took your ability to protect yourself from this disease from you.  You simply did not know how you got it and were left to fight the disease regardless.  I know how that feels.

Being a member of the HIV community has been a great experience for me as a human being.  I've learned to be a much better person.  Far more than I would have been.  I have a boyfriend that is also HIV positive and I am certain that he is the right person for me to be with.  I know that because I am HIV positive that I love him...I don't know if I wasn't what I would have been like.  The truth is that being HIV positive made me understand better.  I'd like to think that it wouldn't have mattered.  I don't know.  Now I know that it doesn't.  For certain, I am a better person for knowing that about people.  I'm not above telling the truth about that and myself.  I needed to be more open minded about this disease and about the people that had it.  Let's face it, I was 19 when I was infected.  I didn't know what it was all about.  I can tell you for certain that it doesn't matter why a person gets this disease only that when they have it, they aren't any different than anyone else.  They simply have an autoimmune disease that renders them unable to fight illness if they don't take care of themselves.  This doesn't make them a bad person, it makes them someone that has an illness.  They have the same feelings, the same emotions, the same happy and sadness as everyone else.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't affected by this disease.   It is a very sad thing to learn that you are HIV positive.  I lived my life early in HIV positivity trying to destroy myself thinking that I was going to die.  I did NOT try to destroy others.  I used drugs and thought that I was only hurting myself.  It was the late 80's  and people died.    If you had HIV you died.  That was what happened.  My goal was to graduate from college.  That was it.  I never wanted anyone to get HIV from me.  I lived a very sheltered existence and I was sad.  Drugs were my way of saying, "I don't care."  When I lived, I was surprised.  I stopped using them and got in shape to stay alive...that was a good thing.

I am proud of knowing many men that taught me about HIV and AIDS.  Some of my very best friends died of this disease.  Three in particular.  Don, Jeff and Darin.   All three were terrific people.  All three were the best people I knew.  They all played a significant role in my understanding of what it meant to live with this disease and all three made me understand that you could live with AIDS but die with dignity.  You don't understand how important that can be.  I know.  I saw.  I lived it.  It was impressive.  I hear their voices.  I shed tears.  I smile often.  I think of them.

Now that we all have a chance to live and be happy again I want you all to realize that there isn't a difference between having this disease, but there is a HUGE difference in how we got it.  Someone KNOCKED US OUT and INTENTIONALLY GAVE IT TO US.  SHE CAME IN TO OUR LIVES AND WANTED US TO DIE.  That is not the same.  She has tried for many years to say that we did this to other people and THAT IS NOT TRUE.  SHE WANTS TO TELL PEOPLE THAT WE DID THIS TO OTHER PEOPLE BECAUSE SHE IMPLANTED US WITH CHIPS THAT SHE SPIED ON US WITH AFTER SHE INFECTED US...BUT SHE DOESN'T KNOW HOW SHE CAN DO THAT WITHOUT TELLING EVERYONE SHE SPIED ON US.  


Many of these men and women have been held sexual hostages, for one reason or another, because Lori decided to recite their entire sexual history to them...whether they disclosed their HIV status to another sexual partner or not.  Here is the thing.  It's not just about disclosure...Lori can convince just about anyone to say anything if she can blackmail them and has the time....stealing money from the other person or threatening them.  You see the victim is only one half of a sexual encounter...the other half has to be considered too.   It's a their word against the victim's word too, so coming forward has always been a problem.

Lori, apparently, keeps lists of sexual partners between people.   I don't know how she could do this without stalking them.  In court documents, using me as an example, she says that she knows "nothing about me since high school" but I've heard from others that shes told them that I'm intentionally infecting others now for years...that's just not the truth.  Long before there was a blog, Lori told everyone I was HIV positive.  She even told my brother in law before he was shot and killed.   I don't know how she could have known?  I didn't tell her and she tells everyone that I don't tell "anyone", so how could that be?

She must know something that nobody else did?  Of course she does...according to my DNA genotyping, she knows alot more!

You see, I want you all to know one thing.  The virus that these victims have is given to them by a female with the disease that DOES NOT seek medical attention.  She has a brother.  She has HEP C, syphilis, tb...and she has had this virus since at least 1987 and it has mutated  many time between her brother and her over 20 years until 2007 when I was last raped.  This is a fact.  We know it is a fact.  That is the truth.

These are the facts and they are undisputed.

I was raped by her in 1987 and again in 2007.  Another fact.

Who else has had this happen?  Steven Frey?  Jonathan Mendenhall?  I know that there are more of you out there.  This new HIV vaccine is going to be very helpful for those of us that come forward and talk about this crime.  I want you all to know a little secret.  We have already applied for it to be used for the victims of this crime because of its effectiveness with this strain of the HIV virus and there is a very HIGH chance that anyone that has the "BLUE WIDOW" strain will be the first in line to be accepted for it's use as a cure if it passes in the last trial.  That means if it is THE CURE, the Blue Widow Victims will be at the front of the line to tell Lori to "fuck off" for good.

Sound like a good idea? 

Tell a friend.