Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

So What's The Deal With Laurie Having All Those Family Pictures From Everyone Else's Families But Hers?

One thing that I've known about for many years is that Laurie and Brian just love to steal family photo albums from other people's families.  Baby pictures, without their clothes on, seem to be their absolute favorites...go figure.  Someone has suggested to me that is is an old scam where these two go around to relatives of the targets and act like they are friends of the target by using the pictures as legitimate "friend photos".  

Other people have suggested that Laurie likes to super impose herself into the photos so that she can act like she is some kind of a parent to the children in the photos.  She does not have kids.  She has never been a parent.  There is no father or husband that her mother or the State of California has on record for her under her real true name or any of the fake ones.  Anything that she could produce would be a fake and needs to be investigated by a lawyer or a police officer.  There isn't a photograph of her and a family that is her own family with her as a bride and a groom either.  She's stolen my own sister's wedding album and told people that it was "her wedding".  I was there and I can tell you that she wasn't invited.

She has so many stolen photo albums from the victims of these crimes that she's committed that I can't believe that we have to sift through them all to find out whom these people are.  I'm sure that when we do it will be easier to put them on line and have the victims names on there to have the internet do the job for us.

This whole thing where she creates a life out of other people's pictures or stories that she's heard from me is going to have to stop.  She isn't the girl that use to work for the City of La Quinta even though that person shared the same name as she did.  What the City did by supporting that action was chilling my investigation and cut off my communication between myself and my police contact.  It was horribly damaging.  I have a lot of problems with a warrant that was issued afterwards too.  The entire situation was exacerbated by the lawyer asking me if I was "sniffing glue" on the City employee's behalf.  I am the victim here and a police informant.  I should be suing the City of La Quinta for helping the girl that infected me with HIV and trying to do it again 20 years later...there should have been better research on the City's behalf.