Morally Conscious

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This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

When Am I Ever Going To Be Old Enough To Deal With It On My Own???

I'm 49 years old and my older sister still thinks I can't make decisions on my own. You know half the time I get mad about it and the other half I just let it go.  Recently, especially with this investigation, I am upset because other people have taken advantage of the fact that they know that she's this way.  The one thing that would have helped is Bryan Anderson.  He damn well knows that I know what I am doing.  The fucked factor is Bessie Smith, she knows that my sister is bossy.  The disinformation that Bessie gives takes away the advantage that Bryan has.  In the scam of my finances, Bessie was able to take away my savings account so that I couldn't use it any longer.  This was of great advantage for a tyrant like Jeffrey who wanted to use this against my family by making it look like I was some kind of vagrant living off of my family when all the while, I'd planned and saved so that when this time came, I had money to live off of.  Since he took the money and I couldn't use it, he made me look bad.

Making my sister look like the bad guy was suppose to cause problems between my mom, dad, sister and me for Laurie and Jeffrey's amusement.  The fights would be legendary.  Unfortunately for all of them, I won't even entertain the thought.  There is no way that I'm going to get into this.  When I asked about my money my sister said there was "none".  That could have been World War 3, but instead, I decided no war at all.  I wanted Laurie and Jeffrey to know one thing.  I won't wage a war inside my family over money.  I will wage a war in the courtroom for scamming my family out of our finances, mostly mine, and trying to put us in a financial disaster without any permission of mine.  This is called the intentional infliction of emotional distress and it is highly illegal.  It is punitive beyond.  Telling my sister to lie about this money is intentional and meant to cause a fight.  This is punishable by law.  My attorney is aware of it.  Not letting me have access to my own money is also punitive...and I will seek damages for the loss of my medical insurance and access to medical care.  This could cause catastrophic damage to my health as a person with a disability and with HIV.  These kinds of things can have tremendous repercussions for two people that run a huge AIDS Foundation like Marilyn and Jeffrey Katzenberg.  This could cause them to lose their foundation and cause them severe damage in the future.  I hope they realize the position that they have put themselves in.  That was their choice.  Right Marilyn???

Jeffrey has made some severe choices for what he thinks is important in this case.  Taking risks with my health and with my family's home and finances is a stupid thing for a girl that has done nothing but help run a drug dealing business for years.  Some of the things that she has done have resulted in the deaths of gay men.  He thinks that she is wonderful.  I know that she is not.  Giggles and tits are not alibis, but he thinks she is wonderful.  I know different.  Smiling and slashing wrists are not defense-able.  She has a horrible past and is a horrible person.  I, on the other hand, have a sparkling background with people and Jeffrey wants to dirty it up.  I won't be a party to his exceptional ability to make me look bad.  I'm not going to pretend to be someone I'm not for his favorable opinion.  He's playing dirty and I'm not a dirty guy.

Looking into my finances was one thing.  Taking them so I wouldn't stand a chance of surviving is another.  Pretending that it was for my family's own good is another. Not telling my sister that we could use them right now is going too damn far.  Now I live with a daily onslaught of "we need the money and you have to get a job."  Look people, I love working.  I have a severe disability that I can't even get a doctor to look at because of this man.  Look at my crushed fucking skull.  You can attribute this bad call from the hospital to Missy Pissy...she called the hospital E.R. twice to bullshit them into believing it wasn't a terrible injury.  Now he wants her to be excused for it. Jeffrey is crazy.  He took away my disability and doesn't want anyone to help me.  Now he wants my Medicare gone.  No neurologist to see me and won't let anyone help me with medical insurance.  He won't even tell my sister to free up money from my own savings that he stole so I can pay for my own insurance payment so I can see a doctor and his wife won't even tell my sister to do it.  These are AIDS advocates???? Who in the fuck called these two people Humanitarians?

This is absolutely bullshit.

My sister thinks that I'm not responsible enough to handle my own finances?  But she tells my mother that I should be handling my own finances?  Then she takes my money and gives it to Jeffrey to dole out to her when she wants it?  It's crazy.  I want my money.  Either I am old enough to deal with my saving account that I saved like she tells my mom and dad or I am not.  The fact is that she is playing around with Jeffrey at his request.  This is madness.