Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Splitting Hairs With Missy Pissy? No Laurie, That's Not Just A Dye Job That You Need Scott Pederson.

You all have heard the legend of the "missing lab report" that I once saw at the PSPD headquarters that went missing then was a "no result" years later?  Well, now that we know it has been recovered in the hands of some other evidence, allegedly, we know that there is a brother and sister involved in the crime of the rape.  So, at some point, we know that there will be some some subpoenas for orders to produce DNA from various sources from a certain brother and sister.  Probably that brother and sister will be Laurie and Brian LaTweeker.  Pictures from that crime scene involving myself and allegedly Laurie and Brian have been recovered.

Laurie, knowing this, has embarked on a hair collecting scheme, allegedly using hair samples from Leah Fauntleroy and Missy Pissy.  I need to explain something to Laurie.  YOU DON'T GET TO HAND THE POLICE YOUR OWN SAMPLES DARLING.  SEE ABOVE, THIS IS HOW THEY ARE COLLECTED.  THIS IS FROM DNALEGAL.COM.  IN MOST CASES THEY ARE PLUCKED, WITH A TWEEZER, SO THAT THE PULP OF THE HAIR SAMPLE IS INCLUDED FROM YOUR HEAD.   OTHER SAMPLES IN RAPE CASES INCLUDE PUBIC COMBS FROM THE CROTCH AREA THAT THE DOCTOR DOES WITH A COMB, LIKE A LICE COMB AND A BLOOD DRAW.  Knowing that I got exposed to HIV, Hep C, syphilis, TB and other STD's from that rape (see LAB CORP reports given to the PSPD directly after the rape) these blood samples taken will also include a request to have the blood tested for all of those diseases as well.  From both of you.  This is how this is done.  Rest assured, if either of you is seen by a doctor in the meantime, we will get those results too.

This is how this works.  You don't just get to hand over what you want.  This is because this kind of testing is done under court supervision.  You can of course refuse testing under request by the police, but a court order can require that you produce these samples.  You will be provided an attorney, but you will have to produce the samples required by the orders.  It is a very simple procedure.

The law is very clear.  Yes, I CAN say this.  Yes, I can do this.  I am a victim of a violent sexual crime and I should have been allowed to see a district attorney immediately but was never offered that opportunity.  The detective in the case, Frank Browning, would not allow me to meet with one and said so.  I have already submitted my testing and subsequent testing to the police along with my lab reports for years before and afterwards so they know I am vigilant about my about you?  Let's get this out on the table Ms. Thang, once and for all.

See, I am so confident that I know that the results of what this will show are, that I know you won't want to do this.  I have been willing to participate in every single step of a forensic investigation all along the way.  I would go along with any kind of forensic investigation.  As long as it is done in front of police officers that are not implanted and with lawyers that oversee the entire process and a judge that does not work at the Larson Justice Center.  A fair and impartial look at the evidence.  What I would like to see is the file at the Riverside DOJ with the information from my rape case from the beginning.  I would like to see if any report was deleted from that case file and I would like to show a copy of the DNA report that I saw at the PSPD headquarters that I was shown by Bryan Reyes himself.  It was approx six or seven pages long.  I know that it existed and I know what he said afterwards to me and to Anthony Dabiere sitting right in the lobby of the police headquarters.