Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Monday, February 6, 2017

His Weapon Of Choice: Two Man Hating Lesbians and a Bloody Mental Baseball Bat

Woke up this morning to one of the most brutal attacks so far by the three man hating lesbians (one of which is my sister's best friend from high school and not a lesbian).  Trying their very best, from Jeffrey Katzenberg's son's home, to force me to say something horrible so that Jeffrey can get all legal about this blog.  Foresaking his own son's rape and all of the things he lied to our community about, Benjamin has even treated his own boyfriend's rape like it didn't ever happen.  He's completely dumped his own relationship with Robert Baker so that he could pursue an avenue of torturing other victims with his father.  Isn't he a great guy?   Not really.  This has been nine years of a father son picnic from Hell.

I'm not the least bit interested in helping China's newest terrorist.  When the U.S. Justice Department decides to take Jeffrey's passport, they can do so with pride.  He shouldn't be doing business with a Communist country with ties to this technology.  He's not the kind of American that needs to be building this kind of relationship overseas.  If I were the U.S. Attorney, I'd be looking to stop his business and travel plans knowing that what he and his son are doing here in the desert with Missy is highly illegal.  It's terrorism!

I'm not interested in saying anything about Jeffrey or his family any longer.  He's not a friend.  He isn't working for me any longer and neither is his son.  Both have a relationship with this crime that isn't legal any longer.  They've shown nothing that helps the victims, but a complete disdain for my family.  I think that both should have to answer for the problems that they continue to cause for me and my family.  Benjamin should never tell his boyfriend that he loves him, because the truth is, his father and mother don't allow him to.