Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Missy's Parents: Threats From Long Beach?

Get it?  Ma and Pa Ingalls?  They're both the parent's of Missy.  Missy Sue Anderson and Missy Gilbert?  Okay so I'm reaching here, but you get the point.

Let me make this perfectly clear to the parent's of Missy the Leech. Your daughter and her "friend" Laurie, have been playing another game again with Jeffrey.  It's a passive aggressive game of, "If you don't help Missy to stay in that home where Kevin's investigation is going on, Missy's father is going to have you arrested Jeffrey" which is something that Missy says she's against, but the bitch is still here mom and dad!

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Long Beach Missy,

Your daughter needs a psych hospital.  She needs to get psychological help for her massive psychological problems.  She isn't a well person.  She has been asked to leave by every single person in this investigation and she refuses to move her fat ass out of this home because she loves to antagonize me.  I am in severe danger here because you refuse to take her somewhere where she can get help for her problems that are now starting to involve your family.  I don't know what she has told you about this investigation but she has been threatening people again...and now I am concerned that she is making bigger mistakes by using the two of you.  I know she can be a handful, but I don't need her here helping Laurie point a gun at members of my family so that your daughter can feel better.  She is a very sick girl that needs lots of help.

Jeffrey is not her father.  Marilyn is not her mother.  Just because her big Christmas payday is around the corner, doesn't mean that other family's have to pay for her way.  She has ruined yet another Christmas for my family that has two new born children.  I would like to spend at least one Christmas this decade without your horrid daughter trying to help Laurie from stealing things from my family.  She's already managed to help Laurie steal everything my parents have worked to give me from this last decade and a half.  They work far too hard for their money for your daughter to keep giving her access to my home when I am not there.  Jeffrey is not helping me to be safe and your daughter is rude to my boyfriend and his mother.  She is a rude little girl that has absolutely no manners what so ever.  She's not welcome here any longer.

I will have her prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and you as well if any part of this investigation shows up in anything that you two do as a result of her trying to conduct her own investigation based on what she has done here.

Missy is a troubled 50 plus year old woman with problems that nobody here can fix.  Money has been too good to her and she has stolen every single opportunity I've had to make something happen for the victims of this crime.  Please take her home and get her some help before she hurts herself even more or someone else.  My family deserves better than your daughter's rage.