Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

You Don't Need The Mask Laurie, We Know What's Underneath

Thought I do realize that a mask would probably improve the problems that she is having because of meth with her skin, there is no need for Laurie to think that it is necessary to hide her identity.  We know what evil lurks.  It's been there all the time.  Nobody is ever surprised by what comes out of that filthy mouth of yours and even Laurie knows that people tell her not to open it when she comes around.  It must be something to have people look at you, roll their eyes, then race to keep her from speaking to people at any kind of function.

Instead, Laurie has another monster working with Jeffrey who believes it is important to do all of Laurie's bidding with the work that I've sacrificed my entire life for.  Keeping my high school friends safe from Laurie was one of, if not the, most important things I've ever done.  I've tried very hard to keep Laurie away from their families, their friends, their kids, their finances, their information and their lives.   It was one of the largest and most painful sacrifices that I've ever had to make.  Jeffrey has sought to find each and every one of those people on behalf of Missy so that she can interview them for Laurie.  What I want to let all of you know is that this was one of the most important things that I told him never to do.  He's allowing that blonde fucking fake to do whatever she wants with military officers' kids and school administrators' kids that Laurie wants to exact her revenge upon.  One thing that I have been very clear on is the need for Jeffrey and Missy to leave.  Neither one of these individuals has any intention to help my friends.  They are both trying to hurt my friends by putting them in the cage with Laurie's obsession: a butcher with a smile.  Missy is ready to carve each and every one of them up so that Laurie and Brian can eat them alive.  I know...she's been doing that to me for decades.

Missy approved of a plan to have my high school mates talk with Jeffrey at the high school reunion so that she could pass that information along to Laurie, not so that he would talk to my parents....which is the biggest lie of all!!!  Incidentally, he hasn't considered that option yet.  Now why would Jeffrey want to talk to all of my high school friends and not me?  Why is it that he want to do all of this background checking on my friends so that he can what? Throw me a party?  No thank you.  This man is a terrorist.  He wants to cause problems with my life and theirs.  What he is doing is providing Missy with people that she can feed to Laurie to keep her plan of hurting me alive.  She's been doing it for decades and now she thinks she's got more people and friends of mine to do it with.  Has Jeffrey ever made any effort at all to help me?  Not a single one.  Every single day we careen further and further towards a "finale" that has blood and death written all over it.  I think what he is doing is deplorable to say the least.  It is torturous and dangerous.  Bryan Anderson is going along with a plan that puts military officers and their kids in danger as well as school administrators kids in danger.  This is a well thought out plan that both Missy and Laurie have been working on for 8 1/2 years.

Jeffrey has decided to stock up on my friends in order to feed the beast hoping that it will quell Laurie's thirst for Missy.  What a sacrifice he's made right?  Wrong.  This man has defined himself as nothing more than a pompous fool.  He's directed every single move in a direction to tear apart the fabric of what I've kept secret from Laurie for all of these years.  Everything that I refused to let her know about my friends, Missy is trying to hand over to her on a silver platter.  Missy even approved of the list of friends that could be talked to at the reunion hand delivered to her by Laurie.  Isn't it convenient that the man that doesn't want to be known to my family is the same one that wants to meet and interview all of my friends?  He doesn't want me to do it...he wants Missy to do it.  I want my team doing this job, not that fake blonde whore that is handing this information over like frozen fish to a walrus.  I won't tolerate him unraveling what it took years of my sacrificing to build.  This kind of backstabbing comes with a huge price Jeffrey.

The last time Missy did this, she insisted on throwing a "party for Mrs. Monti".  Why would a woman whose personal mantra was "don't get involved with Kevin or his family" want to throw a party for Christopher and his mother?  It is simple.  Christopher wouldn't give Laurie any information about his family.  So Laurie, using her girl friend spy, inside of my investigation, employed her to do this.  Missy insisted on having all of the Monti's involved that way she could pass on the information about Christopher's family to Laurie so that Laurie could begin blackmailing all of them.  You see Missy is a fucking liar.  She gets involved up to her tits when it comes to hurting me.   All she ever wants to do is have another person in my family die or get hurt.  She is a co-conspirator whose life is not in any sort of danger, she does this for attention and money.  Her need to entertain Laurie is all done under the guise of "protecting her own family" which could easily be achieved by a conversation between Missy and them, but she is bound to secrecy by the police investigation.  In the meantime, she's decided on a path of death and destruction without any fear of being hurt.  She's a liar.  She wants everyone to succumb to her will while acting like she has some kind of risk involved.  She voluntarily helps Laurie without any need to. It has become her life's agenda.  Now she's enlisted Jeffrey and his family to help her.  This situation has become a game of keep away from my family.  It is dangerous and it is threatening.  I found a perfect way to inform my family and Jeffrey has, once again, found a way to stop it from happening.  It is the only time he ever gets involved.  

People wonder why I don't do the things that I use to do.  It is quite simple.  When I do what I do, Jeffrey does everything he can to obstruct my search for justice.  He lies, he promises, he bribes, he employes, he hides evidence then he uses Missy as an excuse for not doing what he was suppose to do.  What you are seeing here is the killing of a police informant that has become inconvenient for him.  It is his own fault that this situation has become this way.  He made the decision to break bad, he must live with that decision.  What he does in the dark is so fucking wrong that he can't explain it to most of you so he hides and acts like, "Would I ever do something like that?"  The answer is yes, he would.  Out of your view, he would do it.  He has for years.  Ask him if his girlfriend runs his life.  His decisions are all made by her.  With her approval only.