Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

#7 "Don't Interrupt Others Or Finish Their Sentences"

#7 Don't Interrupt Others Or Finish Their Sentences

Dr. Carlson wrote something in this short passage that makes a whole lot of sense to someone like me.  I am a terrific listener.  I've known how to help people my whole life simply by doing one thing really well...listening.  How many times have you been involved in an argument and you saw the other person just waiting to jump on you with something that they've already thought of saying?  This is because they aren't hearing a word you are saying, they are just wondering what effect what they are about to tell you is going to have on your demeanor.

Dr. Carlson makes a very good point when he talks about this interruption and sentence finishing problem being too much thinking and likens it to having two conversations inside of your own head.  The victims of this crime have enough conversations going on inside of their heads.  They don't need to be thinking for fifteen other people and trying to figure out what they are doing too.  Unfortunately for most of us, there are those out there watching that think they know better or what it better for us.  They have no idea what it is like to do the thinking for fifteen people all at once.  They don't consider the options the way we have to.  They think for themselves and maybe one other person at a time.  I have that problem now.  I can't, for the life of me, figure out what the hell someone else is doing to me and why he keeps forgetting that I am being stalked by a killer...?  He doesn't forget when it comes to anyone else when it comes to the killer, but when it comes to me, I'm like a piece of cheese that a mouse can eat any time.

Thinking about it only makes me susceptible to being eaten.  It takes away from my awareness and caution.  It has been eight long years as bait and many attempts at my life. The mouse has even been in the room with my family on one or two occasions...he did nothing.  I've thought about what that is supposed to mean to me.  I've let it cloud my judgment.  If I let it, it will take up too much of my time.  Then I can't be effective protecting myself and I'm the only one protecting my family.  The cops aren't.